Functional Resources in Service Management and Service Package Execution CSSA Cleveland, Ohio October 2012 John Pietras GST, Inc.
Agenda Purpose of presentation Background of functional resources Functional resource classes and types Functional resource identification Related functional resource briefings this week 2
Purpose Introduce the background and concept for functional resource identifiers Set the stage for related presentations to be made this week Candidate standard monitored parameters Naming scheme for functional resources, and Integration of functional resources into Service Management 3
Multinet Service and Associated Functional Resource Types 4 Forward and return comm and tracking at S- and X-band Carrier and subcarrier SLE transfer services F-CLTU Complete and timely RAF and RCF Offline RAF and RCF Real-time Tracking Data CSTS Monitored Data CSTS Service Control CSTS
SANA-Registered OIDs for Functional Resource Types Implemented by Multinet 5
Multisat Published Monitored Parameters (Sample) 6 Specific to the FR Type Adopted from framework
Service Agreement Phase 7 Lists of monitored parameters and notifiable events are defined between Xenosat mission and Multisat One named list of monitored parameters: “Space-Link-Status” Default (unnamed) list of monitored parameters Default list of notifiable events Each entry in the list is a {FR Type : Parameter Type} OID pair An entry in a table applies to all instances of that entry’s FR Type
“Space-Link-Status” Monitored Parameter List 8 Functional Resource Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Parameter Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Forward Space Link Carrier | 3/112/4/4/3/1/2 Actual transmit frequency | 3/112/4/4/3/1/2/1/2 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6SI state | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/1/3 FCLTU TS Provider/ 3/112/4/4/3/1/6 Number of CLTUs radiated | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/1/6 Return Space Link Carrier | 3/112/4/4/3/1/8 Actual receive frequency | 3/112/4/4/3/1/8/1/3 Return Space Link Subcarrier | 3/112/4/4/3/1/9 Subcarrier lock status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/9/1/2 Return Synchronization and Decoding | 3/112/4/4/3/1/11 Frame synchronizer lock status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/11/1/1 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13SI state | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13/1/2 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13 Number of frames delivered | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13/1/5 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14SI state | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14/1/2 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14 Number of frames delivered | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14/1/4
Default Monitored Parameter List 9 Functional Resource Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Parameter Type ID (Textual Name | OID) FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/1/1 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14/1/1 Monitored Data CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/17 Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/17/1/1 Real-Time Tracking Data CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/19 Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/19/1/1 Service Control CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/20 Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/20/1/1
Default Notifiable Events List 10 Functional Resource Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Event Type ID (Textual Name | OID) FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/1 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/2 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/3 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/4 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/1 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/2 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/3 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/4 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/1 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/2 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/3 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/4
Space Communication Service Profile “Nominal Forward and Return S-Band” One F401Space Link Carrier Profile “Forward S-Band” Data BPSK-modulated directly onto the carrier One Forward Symbol Stream o One FcltuTsM => FCLTU Transfer Service Profile “FCLTU-S” One R401Space Link Carrier Profile “Return S-Band” Data QPSK-modulated onto the subcarrier I-channel symbol stream with RAF Prod o One RafTsM => RAF Transfer Service Profile “RAF-S-I-onlt” o One Return Link Frame Data Sink “Ret-S-I” with functionalGroupId “Ret-S-I” Q-channel symbol stream with RAF Prod o One RafTsM => RAF Transfer Service Profile “RAF-Q-I-onlc” o One Return Link Frame Data Sink “Ret-S-Q” with functionalGroupId “Ret-S-Q” 11
SCSP “Nominal Forward and Return S-Band” FR Type Occurrences 12 Functional Resource TypeManaged Object in Profile Total Number of Occurrences of FR Type Antennaundefined in profile1 Forward Space Link Carrier F401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Forward S-Band) 1 Forward Symbol Stream R401 Symbol Stream (Forward S-Band) 1 F-CLTU TS Provider FCLTU Transfer Service Profile (FCLTU-S) 1 Return Space Link Carrier R401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Return S-Band) 1 Return Space Link Subcarrier R401 Subcarrier(Return S- Band) 1 Return Symbol Stream R401 Symbol Stream (I channel Return S-Band) 2 R401 Symbol Stream (Q channel Return S-Band) Return Sync and Decoding RAF Prod (I channel Return S- Band) 2 RAF Prod (Q channel Return S- Band) RAF TS ProviderRafTsM (RAF-S-I-onlt)2 RafTsM (RAF-S-Q-onlc) Frame Data Sink Return Link Frame Data Sink (I channel Return S-Band) 2 Return Link Frame Data Sink (Q channel Return S-Band)
13 Space Communication Service Profile “Return X-Band” One R401Space Link Carrier Profile “Return X-Band” Data BPSK-modulated onto the subcarrier One symbol stream with RAF Prod o One RcfTsM => RAF Transfer Service Profile “RCF-X1-onlc” o One RcfTsM => RAF Transfer Service Profile “RCF-X2-onlc” o One Return Link Frame Data Sink “Ret-X” with functionalGroupId “Ret-X”
14 SCSP “Nominal Forward and Return S-Band” FR Type Occurrences SCSP “Return X-Band” FR Type Occurrences Functional Resource TypeManaged Object in Profile Total Number of Occurrences of FR Type Antennaundefined in profile1 Return Space Link Carrier R401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Return X-Band) 1 Return Space Link Subcarrier R401 Subcarrier(Return X- Band) 1 Return Symbol Stream R401 Symbol Stream (Return X-Band) 1 Return Sync and DecodingRAF Prod (Return X-Band)1 RCF TS ProviderRcfTsM (RCF-X1-onlc) RcfTsM (RCF-X2-onlc)2 Frame Data Sink Return Link Frame Data Sink (Return X-Band) 1
Service Package Request, Extended for MD, TD, and CS CSTSes 15
SLS Service Package Request from XenoSat 16 Space Communication Service Request => “Nominal Forward and Return S-Band” Antenna “Pacific S-Band” is acceptable Space Communication Service Request => “Return X-Band” Antenna “Pacific X-Band” is acceptable One MdCstsTsM => One TdCstsTsM One ScCstsTsM Occurrence of Functional Resource Type in Service Package Request Functional Resource Type Total Number of Occurrences of FR Type Pacific S-BandAntenna2 Pacific X-Band F401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Forward S-Band) Forward Space Link Carrier 1 F401 Symbol Stream (Forward S- Band) Forward Symbol Stream1 FcltuTsM(FCLTU-S)F-CLTU TS Provider1 R401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Return S-Band) Return Space Link Carrier2 R401 Space Link Carrier Profile (Return X-Band) R401 Subcarrier(Return S-Band) Return Space Link Subcarrier 2 R401 Subcarrier(Return X-Band) R401 Symbol Stream (I channel Return S-Band) Return Symbol Stream3 R401 Symbol Stream (Q channel Return S-Band) R401 Symbol Stream (Return X- Band) RAF Prod (I channel Return S-Band)Return Sync and Decoding3 RAF Prod (Q channel Return S-Band) RAF Prod (Return X-Band) RafTsM (RAF-S-I-onlt)RAF TS Provider2 RafTsM (RAF-S-Q-onlc) RcfTsM (RCF-X1-onlc)RCF TS Provider2 RcfTsM (RCF-X2-onlc) Return Link Frame Data Sink (I channel Return S-Band) Frame Data Sink3 Return Link Frame Data Sink (Q channel Return S-Band) Return Link Frame Data Sink (Return S-Band) MdCstsM (MD1) Monitored Data CSTS Provider 1 Monitored Data Production 1 TdCstsM (TD1) Real-Time Tracking Data CSTS Provider 1 Range and Doppler Production 1 ScCstsM (SC) Service Control CSTS Provider 1 Service Control Production 1
Service Package Result, Extended for FR Instance Numbers and MD, TD, and CS CSTSes 17
SLS Service Package Result (Scheduled Service Package) 18 Occurrence of FR Type in Scheduled Service Package Functional Resource Type: FR Type OID FR Instance RAF Prod (Return X-Band) Return Sync and Decoding: 3/112/4/4/3/1/11 3 SlsTsResult (RAF-S-I-onlt) RAF TS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/13 1 SlsTsResult (RAF-S-Q-onlc) RAF TS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/13 2 SlsTsResult (RCF-X1-onlc) RCF TS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/14 1 SlsTsResult (RCF-X2-onlc) RCF TS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/14 2 Return Link Frame Data Sink (I channel Return S-Band) Frame Data Sink: 3/112/4/4/3/1/22 1 Return Link Frame Data Sink (Q channel Return S-Band) Frame Data Sink: 3/112/4/4/3/1/22 2 Return Link Frame Data Sink (Return X- Band) Frame Data Sink: 3/112/4/4/3/1/22 3 MdCstsResult (MD1) Monitored Data CSTS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/17 1 Monitored Data Production Monitored Data Production: 3/112/4/4/3/1/18 1 TdCstsResult (TD1) Real-Time Tracking Data CSTS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/19 1 Range and Doppler Production Range and Doppler Production: 3/112/4/4/3/1/12 1 ScCstsResult (SC) Service Control CSTS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/20 1 Service Control Production Service Control Production: 3/112/4/4/3/1/21 1 Occurrence of FR Type in Scheduled Service Package Functional Resource Type: FR Type OID FR Instance Pacific S-BandAntenna: 3/112/4/4/3/1/11 Pacific X-BandAntenna: 3/112/4/4/3/1/12 Carrier Result (Forward S-Band) Forward Space Link Carrier: 3/112/4/4/3/1/2 1 Symbol Stream Result (Forward S- Band) Forward Symbol Stream: 3/112/4/4/3/1/5 1 SlsTsResult (FCLTU-S) F-CLTU TS Provider: 3/112/4/4/3/1/6 1 Carrier Result (Return S-Band) Return Space Link Carrier: 3/112/4/4/3/1/8 1 Carrier Result (Return X-Band) Return Space Link Carrier: 3/112/4/4/3/1/8 2 Subcarrier Result (Return S-Band) Return Space Link Subcarrier: 3/112/4/4/3/1/9 1 Subcarrier Result (Return X-Band) Return Space Link Subcarrier: 3/112/4/4/3/1/9 2 Symbol Stream Result (I channel Return S-Band) Return Symbol Stream: 3/112/4/4/3/1/10 1 Symbol Stream Result (Q channel Return S-Band) Return Symbol Stream: 3/112/4/4/3/1/10 2 Symbol Stream Result (Return X-Band) Return Symbol Stream: 3/112/4/4/3/1/10 3 RAF Prod Result (I channel Return S- Band) Return Sync and Decoding: 3/112/4/4/3/1/11 1 RAF Prod Result (Q channel Return S- Band) Return Sync and Decoding: 3/112/4/4/3/1/11 2
Service Package Execution UM ( as MD-CSTS user) BINDs the MD-CSTS service instance UM STARTs three instances of MD-CSTS Cyclic Report procedure Prime instance with list-of-parameters = null Secondary instance with list-of-parameters = “Space-Link- Status” Secondary instance with list-of-parameters Actual azimuth of Pacific S-Band (antenna) Actual elevation of Pacific S-Band (antenna) Actual azimuth of Pacific X-Band (antenna) Actual elevation of Pacific X-Band (antenna) UM STARTs one instance of MD-CSTS Notification procedure with list-of-events = null 19
Prime Cyclic Report Procedure Instance (null) 20 Functional Resource Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Parameter Type ID (Textual Name | OID) # of Instances of Functional Resource Type FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6/1/11 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/132 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14/1/12 Monitored Data CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/17Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/17/1/11 Real-Time Tracking Data CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/19 Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/19/1/11 Service Control CSTS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/20Production status | 3/112/4/4/3/1/20/1/11 8 parameter values reported each cycle Example reported qualified value: MD-CSTS production status ‘operational’ ((([3/112/4/4/3/1/17] : 1) : [3/112/4/4/3/1/17/1/1]) : (8:3)) MD-CSTS Provider: FR Type Instance # MD-CSTS Provider enumerated production status value = ‘operational’ MD-CSTS Provider FR ID
Notification Procedure Instance (null) Functional Resource Type ID (Textual Name | OID) Event Type ID (Textual Name | OID) # Instances of Functional Resource Type FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/11 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/21 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/31 FCLTU TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/6Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/41 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/12 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/22 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/32 RAF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/13Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/42 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production configured | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/12 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production interrupted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/22 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production halted | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/32 RCF TS Provider | 3/112/4/4/3/1/14Production operational | 3/112/4/4/1/5/2/42 21 20 distinct notifiable events Example event notification: RCF TS Provider Instance 2 production operational ((([3/112/4/4/3/1/14] : 2) : [3/112/4/4/3/1/14/2/4]) : (“”)) RCF TS Provider: FR Type Instance # ‘production operational’ no event value RAF TS Provider FR ID
Information Query UM invokes GET operation of MD-CSTS Information Query procedure List-of-parameters contains Functional Resource ID (FR Type and Instance Number) of X-Band Space Link Subcarrier Results in all published parameters for X-Band Space Link Subcarrier being returned Example returned qualified value: X-Band Space Link Subcarrier actual subcarrier frequency 22 ((([3/112/4/4/3/1/9] : 2) : [3/112/4/4/3/1/17/1/1]) : (1:16000)) Space Link Subcarrier: FR Type Instance # actual subcarrier unsigned frequency integer value = (Hz) X-Band Space Link Subcarrier FR ID