Universal Design for Learning: Friday, Oct 25, 2013 Wakefield, MA A Framework for Teaching All Learners 1CAST Wakefield 10/5-10/6/2013
UDL Connect: For Online Resources & discussions 2CAST Wakefield 10/5-10/6/2013 Our group: Lynn and UDL
#UDL2day social media CAST UDL Center AIM Center Use Twitter? Use #UDL2day in your tweets during the workshop! #UDLchat: 1 st & 3 rd Wednesdays of the month, 9-9:30pm ET 3CAST Wakefield 10/5-10/6/2013
CAST 2012 Clearing the path for someone with special needs, clear the path for all.
Overall Workshop Goals Day 1: To learn how UDL addresses challenge of learner variability Day 2: To consider how UDL applies to lesson design To consider new resources & tools
Agenda How do you do a UDL Lesson? UDL Toolkit & Resource ideas Your time to plan and reflect
30 second UDL‘elevator’speech: What is UDL?
UDL highlights Based in neuroscience: – variability & context Framework for designing learning experiences – clear goal & flexible means (UDL Guidelines)
UDL Guidelines Recognition: “what” – Multiple means representation Strategy: “how” – Multiple means of action & expression Affect: “why” – Multiple means of engagement
Systematic Variability: where are you with your learning now? Steven E. Peterson, Hanneke VanMier, Julie A. Fiez & Marcus E. Raichle
Systematic Variability: where are you with your learning now? Steven E. Peterson, Hanneke VanMier, Julie A. Fiez & Marcus E. Raichle
Systematic Variability: where are you with your learning now? Steven E. Peterson, Hanneke VanMier, Julie A. Fiez & Marcus E. Raichle
Where are you in your understanding about UDL? 1 = Just beginning, what does ‘UDL’ even stand for? 2 = I know a little about UDL 3 = Ask me anything about UDL: I could lead this session! 13CAST Wakefield 10/5-10/6/2013
Variability design for all to reach goal
Today we are going to do this… how do you feel?
Start school…
Evaluate & set priorities Affective Networks: “why of learning”
Emotions: ‘shelves that hold up the cognitive glassware’ EMOTIONS= shelves
Brain damage: no learning
Variability in Affect
Resources: Perceived skills & resources Demands Perceived level of challenge Context matters: Perception Resources vs. Demands
Perceived Resources & Demands FLOW
Reflect on a time you learned something well… What were the demands? What were the resources? How was your engagement?
CAST 2012 Options for variability in interests Options for choice, autonomy Authentic, relevant Minimize distractions
Goal: to learn the parts of a story
CAST 2012 Options for Effort & Persistence Salient goals Vary demands, optimize challenge Collaboration Mastery oriented feedback
CAST 2012 Salient goals Vary demands, optimize challenge Collaboration Mastery oriented feedback Options for Effort & Persistence
Mastery-oriented feedback (Dweck, 2006) Process > End product “I like how you…” Skills > innate trait You’re so smart. You’re a natural You worked on your supporting details… You kept at it, even though the cutting was tricky…
CAST 2012 Options for Self-regulation Optimize motivation, coping strategies Self assessment & reflection
Share ideas from Engagement Guideline: What do you do already that supports this Principle? Quadrant 1Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3Quadrant 4
Experience a UDL lesson (Kavita, you can add content here if it goes?)
How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment
Goals are difficult Many goals: CCSS, district, lesson, department Write goals clearly, all understand Consider flexible means to reach goal (UDL) Consider whether means are embedded
Clarify Goal CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
Clarify goal CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent show a data set with several categories. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 New Goal: draw a bar graph that (1) shows a scale and (2) shows data
2. Consider the means to reach goal: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the stages of metamorphosis. © CAST 2012
Consider the means to reach the goal. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of stages of metamorphosis by writing in their journal. © CAST 2012
3. Beware of secondary goals!
How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment
Some teacher favorite ‘technology’ tools : Sticky notes Colored pens Piping tube for listening to self Word Rulers with ‘space’ for reading Vimeo VoiceThread Animoto
The UDL Guidelines in Your Words
Technology can help, not required Joe’s Non-netbook
How do I ‘do’ UDL? 1.Goal 2.Variability 3.Assessment GOAL ASSESSMENT
Does assessment align with goal? Where can there be flexiblity & accessibility? Both formative & summative assessments?
UDL: ‘Desirable difficulties’ Keep challenge where you want it: emphasize what is relevant Flexible means where you can: reduce barriers that are irrelevant
UDL A mindset, a framework Barriers in curriculum, not student Design learning experiences tight goals, flexible means For ALL to reach goal
Questions, thoughts?
Your turn to work: apply UDL to your practice Analyze a lesson with UDL ‘lens’: Handouts Analyze another teacher’s lesson: – Katie Novak (CCSS, Beowulf) Explore Tools and UDL Connect resources
Questions? Comments? Coming this afternoon!! Break out sessions: building tools & resources Coming this afternoon!! Break out sessions: building tools & resources
Lunch 11:45 – 12:30