2 February 2015: Take out your registration sheet; today we will discuss the difference between 10 th Literature and Composition and Honors 10 th Literature and Composition. We will discuss “rigor”, grades, and the difference between “work ethic”, “desire”, and “ability”. Today’s Agenda: 1.Classes for Next Year 2.Act I, scenes iv and v 3.“Perspective on Love” Papers: Expectations and Requirements HMWK: Review “The Write Stuff” PowerPoint, and begin writing your “Perspective on Love” Paper; draft DUE via GoogleDocs on Tuesday, 2/3/15 Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!
3 February 2015: After placing your completed registration for on Mr. Ingham’s desk, retrieve and examine the paper that is on the front table. Determine its value, what it does well as well as what needs to be improved. Feel free to annotate as your see fit. We will discuss this work ten minutes into class. Today’s Agenda: 1.Argument and Academic Writing: Proving Beyond a Doubt 2.Finish Act I (in class) HMWK: “Perspective on Love” Paper; draft DUE via GoogleDocs on TONIGHT Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!
4 February 2015: Pick up the SAT practice in the front of the room. Complete the front and back, as soon as you have gotten into your seat. Remember to utilize the strategies we have covered in class (annotate, cross out distractors, circle- and-box, N-L-Ǿ, and awareness of question types and your reaction). Today’s Agenda: 1.SAT Review: In Class Practice vs. Out of Class 2.Complete Act I, scene v HMWK: Begin online SAT (or ACT) review on USATestPrep Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!
5 February 2015: Using your word collections, complete the character connections exercise below. Make sure you do a good job as a bit of insanity will follow. (Typical, I know.) Today’s Agenda: 1.WORD DAY - Character Connections 2.Act II, scene i (in class) 3.Act II, scene ii – How to Read Romeo and Juliet on your and be ready for class HMWK: Read Act II, scene ii TONIGHT and come in with THREE essential quotes for discussion Online SAT (or ACT) review on USATestPrep Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!
5 February 2015: Today, all of you, will be creating family trees regarding Romeo and Juliet. So, on the back of your study guide (in pencil so you can correct any errors), begin sorting out the “Who’s Who” of characters. When you have the lineage correct, use your vocabulary words to define each character. You need TWO synonyms and TWO antonyms per character (four words for each individual). Make sure you not only write the words underneath the character’s name but also provide a brief reason for thinking this way. We will be “using” this during the next Word Day extravaganza! Today, all of you, will be creating family trees regarding Romeo and Juliet. So, on the back of your study guide (in pencil so you can correct any errors), begin sorting out the “Who’s Who” of characters. When you have the lineage correct, use your vocabulary words to define each character. You need TWO synonyms and TWO antonyms per character (four words for each individual). Make sure you not only write the words underneath the character’s name but also provide a brief reason for thinking this way. We will be “using” this during the next Word Day extravaganza! Today’s Agenda: 1.WORD DAY - Character Connections 2.Act II, scene i (in class) 3.Act II, scene ii – How to Read Romeo and Juliet on your and be ready for class HMWK: Read Act II, scene ii TONIGHT and come in with THREE essential quotes for discussion Online SAT (or ACT) review on USATestPrep Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!
6 February 2015: Obtain an SAT packet and read and annotate the first two pages. (The bar graph on the front cover is not the first page.) Today’s Agenda: 1.SAT Review? 2.Act II, scene ii Quotations and Discussion 3.Act II, scene iii (in class) HMWK: Complete Act II over the weekend and come in with THREE essential quotes for EACH SCENE (iv, v, and vi) for discussion on Monday, 2/9/15 Online SAT (or ACT) review on USATestPrep Continue collecting words, four a week, but now, you must collect THREE vocabulary words and ONE spelling word!