Simple & easy to use Institutional / School management Software with integrated accounting E-Count : Smart (Institutional Management System)
E-Count : Institutional Management Institutional /School Management and Billing with Integrated Accounting. Student Master, Vehicle Master, Route Setting, Library Master & Store Masters. Vehicle Route settings with pickup stages. Fee setting (Classwise & Fee Type). Fee Receipt Billing. Due Lists. Books Issue & Receipts and its reports. Inventory Items Purchase, Issue and Sales. Stock Reports, Issue & receipts reports. Daily Fee Collection, Receipts, Payments summary and details. Fee Pending details reports and creating remainder letter to parents. Vehicle Servicing & and its records, Servicing / Policies Due. Classwise & Vehiclewise Students List and Fees Dues list. Receipts, Payments, Cash-Bank transfer (Contra), Journal, Daybook, Cashbook, Bankbook, Trial Balances.
Help screens explaining each screens operations. Exclusive reports. Ledger wise & group wise Trail Balance, Balance sheet. DOS & Windows printing options as per your printer. Voucher Locking facility for Managers / Accountants. Year wise Database. Financial year creation and Closing balance transfer at any point of time. User rights assignments. User can be prevented from opening the screens, modifying / canceling the vouchers and viewing the records and reports. Integrated Accounting. All transactions will reflect in accounts. Self explanatory edit screens. Optional facility for sending SMS Messages to Parents. Simple & easy to use Accounting. No accounting background required. TC Issue & Issued TC details & Reports. Class Promotion, New Admission and Retaining failed Students in same class. Vehicle Servicing and Expense Entry (Fuel Charges, Maintenance & Insurance Charges etc)
Individual user can be assigned with rights as per their roll, to get access to the editing screens and reports. User can be prevented from modifying / canceling the bills, viewing reports and edit screens like purchase and profit & Loss Account Financial Year Selection :- Database is maintained year wise for accounting, easy maintenance and security purposes.
Student Master Details of Students along with their Address, Class, Vehicle, Route, etc are added here as master Data.
Bus Route Master Vehicle Routes are added and modified here. Which is the master data for Vehicle Fees.
Vehicle Route Setting Vehicle route along with Stage, Kms, and Rate are entered in this section and will be used for calculating Student’s Vehicle fee.
Classwise Fee Setting Class wise Fee Setting. This Fee setting will be applicable for all students in that class. This will be confirmed in the Student Fee Setting Screen and if required can be edited.
Vehicle Master
Student Fee setting as per Class and term. Dues list will be populated as per this settings
Staff Master Staff Master to define staff details and Basic monthly payment structure
Staff Pay Setting
Staff Advance Payment
Staff Overtime / Extra Work Entry
Staff Payment
Vehicle Running Details
Student Fee Collection All Fees collection and issue of receipts bill using this screen. Pending List and Paid list will be populated. Student can be searched by class or vehicle.
Vehicle Servicing
Student Promotion Student Promotion to the Next Class. Failed students can be retained at same class.
Vehicle Running Details
Vehicle Expense Entry Vehicle expense details entry.
Vehicle Servicing Vehicle Servicing records
Inventory Master Inventory Master. Items like School Belts, Books etc are added to this list
Library Master
Library Books Issue & Receipt
Purchase of Items Purchase Screen for Inventory Items like School belts, Socks, Uniform, badges etc.
Accounts Ledgers & Customer List Accounts Ledgers, Bank accounts and Clients /Customers can be created using this screen. The same thing can be created using “Add Customer” screen and “Bank Accounts” screens. Customers will be under the group “Sundry debtors” or “Sundry Creditors” and bank accounts under “Bank Accounts” group. Opening balance of each ledger can be edited in the grid directly. Customer should be added before billing credit purchase / sales/ payment or receipts.
Receipt Voucher / Income Entry Receipts :- Cash / Cheque received from Clients / customers and Cash received through other means are entered through “Receipts” voucher or “Income entry” screen. If the receipt mode is Cheque, then it will be received against the ledger “CHEQUE-IN-HAND” and should be transferred to “CASH ACCOUNT” of “BANK ACCOUNT” using “Contra” voucher entry.
Payment Voucher / Expense Entry Payments :- Payments given to the Clients / customers and Expenses like Office expense, Travel and other expenses are entered through payments voucher. If the payment mode is “Cheque” (Bank Ledger), then amount will be deducted from selected bank account else from “Cash:” Account.
Journal Voucher Journal :- Accounts transactions not involving CASH / BANK are normally entered through Journal voucher. But we can use journal voucher for all transactions. Net Debit amount should be equal to Net Credit amount.
Contra Voucher Transfer between CASH & BANK are entered through Contra Voucher. Or CASH/BANK transaction screen. Cash deposited / withdrawn from bank, Clearing Cheques, Transferring money to Salary Account & Petty Cash account are done through Contra Voucher.
Student Nominal Roll
Route wise Student List
Daily Fee Collection Reports Purchases done during the given period are shown in purchase report. Detailed reports are also available as per user requirements. Daily Fee Collection Report
Classwise Fees Dues
Daily Collection Summary Daily Fee Collection Summary
Day Book All Transactions excluding Cash & Bank are shown in Daybook. CASH transactions are shown in CASH Book and Bank transactions are shown in BANK BOOK.
CASH BOOK CASH BOOK :- Accounts transactions involving only “CASH” are shown in CASH BOOK. Opening Balance, transactions during given period, Closing balance are shown in CASH BOOK.
BANK BOOK All bank transactions are shown in the Bank Book.
Profit & Loss Account Profit & Loss A/C for the period is shown in P & L A/C.
Receivables & Payables List List of Receivable amounts with customer name and and Payable amount with customer name are shown in this screen.
For any query regarding Software, Accounting, facilities with E-Smart, Customisation of Software Call : , ,