Ch. 1 Notes (10 – end)
Video Production Falls into three broad topics: –PreproductionPreproduction –ProductionProduction –PostproductionPostproduction
Preproduction Includes everything you do before actual shooting begins (scripting/storyboarding the video, scouting locations, gathering cast/crew, planning production equipment, etc.) This phase is often longer and more complicated than the production phase Back
Production Covers the actual shooting of the material that will become the video program. The director, videographer, and production designer are responsible for the overall “look” of the program. They work collaboratively with the production people, technicians, and performers to stage and record the video footage that will become the basis of the finished program. Back
Postproduction With the collection of footage taken in the production phase, you have to select the shots you want to include, assemble them in order, add music & sound effects to the audio, and create titles and visual effects. This process is called editing.
Visual Literacy Video is the most persuasive and powerful system ever invented for delivering facts, ideas, and opinions. It persuades you about what to buy & how to vote It explains who is important in the world and why It teaches you how your community, nation, and planet are working or should work It shows you what is fashionable, desirable, and what you are supposed to want in life It models ways to love, fight, work, worship, and dream
Problems…. Makes you think you are seeing the “real thing” You are really seeing an imitation of reality that video makers want you to accept, so that you will get their version of reality. This process imposes a certain point of view that reflects the set of standards of the program’s creators.
What does this mean to you as a viewer? If you understand these techniques used in video communication, you will be able to get past the artificial reality you see and search for the actual reality. At least, you will not be deceived by a medium that looks real always, but is real never.