(,rivers, brooks, creeks, etc.) Streams (,rivers, brooks, creeks, etc.)
Processes Erosion Deposition
Loads Bed load Suspended load Dissolved load gravel rounder with greater working Suspended load silt Dissolved load salt, lime
Load Carrying Capacity Higher velocity flow allow stream to carry: larger particles more total load per volume
What Happens When Deposition when flow slows New erosion when flow speeds up
Sorting Velocity changes gradually Slowing: deposit heaviest load Speeding: remove lightest substrate Result: particles of same size found together (sorted)
Common Profile Steep and fast in headwaters Slower near base Cannot excavate below base level
Drainage Patterns Determined by substrate characteristics Trellis Dendritic Radial
Stream Features
Headlands V-shaped valleys Erosion dominates Alluvial fan at foot of mountain
Bottomlands Flat valleys Deposition dominates BUT—flow is variable
Bottomland Features Floodplains Meanders Oxbows Levees Yazoo streams
Meanders Erosion on outside Deposition on inside cutoffs Oxbows cut bank Deposition on inside point bar cutoffs Oxbows
Meandering River
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander Evolution
Meander cutoff
Oxbow lake
Floods Normal Bank-full discharge ~ 2 years Deposit on levees, flood plains
Meandering river flooding
Base Level Delta: deposits choke with sediment many distributary channels lobes shift old sediments subside