Modernising Nursing Careers Rising demand for health and social care Lifestyle changes to prevent disease/cancer Smaller working population Rapid advances in technology Focus on value for money Reforms include integrated care Emphasis on prevention & health promotion More care in community and people’s homes
New roles, new services Organise care around the needs of patients Ensure quality of nursing Work in range of settings Skills and competencies to care for elderly Work for diverse employers, self employed Advanced level skills Leaders/members of multi-disciplinary teams New practitioners, specialists, consultants Partners in general practice, nurse-led primary care
10 key roles Order diagnostic investigations Make and receive referrals Admit and discharge patients Manage caseloads Run clinics Prescribe medicines/treatments Resuscitation procedures Minor surgery and outpatient procedures Triage using IT to appropriate health professional Lead development of local health services
Careers framework Break down traditional occupational boundaries Enable greater movement and transferability of skills Provide better career opportunities Develop competent and flexible workforce Prepare nurses to lead Modernise image
Key messages Attract the best and most suitable Promote accurate view Wider range of employment options Closer working between health & social care