Take a look at the best jobs for the future
In the past, careers were stable, linear and singular. People chose one path and pursued it over the course of their lives from college to retirement. Careers are now complex, fragmented, specialized, collaborative and ever evolving. More often than not, our work life will be made up of a portfolio of micro-careers. e_your_super_fund.jpg
Professions of "the future" are on the one hand those that survive, on the other those yet to be born. Such profession, which is expected to demand in the labor market in the future Untouchables…are people whose jobs cannot be outsourced, digitized or automated.”
://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTk4w-7v_7mJT8TungEYdrOPtyrYPdnphvF1w1bGGkb4vcq0aB57A How can we create the list of the top future jobs? Salary: How much do people earn on average in the job? Job opportunities: How much is the job expected to grow in terms of the number of people employed, and which jobs have the greatest recruitment demand? Business need: Which jobs do employers say are difficult to fill because of lack of candidates with the right skills and experience?
Guidepost to choose the right profession is foresight You should be able to distinguish a trend, seen as fashion, from the actual needs of the labor market. Look realistically at the market. Seller does not need higher education if there is no demand on the labor market as high qualifications. There is also no need to create unnecessary number of "staff with higher education if the labor market is not able to absorb it.
Guidepost to choose the right profession is foresight You should be aware that due to the reduction of costs, wherever possible, relocation of activity will be done in the virtual world. Nobody will hesitate to replace the human by machine when it is justified by economic calculation.
Guidepost to choose the right profession is foresight. „Learning for jobs not learning for learning” Lifelong learning increases the chance on the labor market Interdisciplinarity - is a recipe for a successful career - combining several professions (some areas) The combination of knowledge and skills with experience. According to respondents: information technology, equipment and vending operator, a person engaged in renewable energy, recycling, doctor, researcher
There are 3 trends in the formation of the jobs of future We can distinguish: BASIC PROFESSIONS, which are unchanged, widely popular, regardless of the condition of the economy, will inspire occupations related to satisfying basic human needs: doctor, nurse, seller, electrician, gardener, etc. CHANGING JOBS based on the achievements of previous years or are the result of mergers of different specializations NEW JOBS emerging on the market
The demand for occupations not related to the basic needs depends mainly on the economic condition (growing or shrinking). Installer, soldier, driver, constructor The main factors that influence the labor market are: globalization, technology and demography.
Unknowns About 21 st Century Workforce Immigration Will nations change policies to encourage or discourage immigration? Outsourcing How fast will it develop? Where? Retirement Will more retirees remain active and “ recareer ” in later life? Will the average retirement age change because of social policy changes?
The social and economic changes affect all professions. However, the IT development exerted the greatest influence on the formation of a new professional specializations. There is no profession that does not touch any "hand" of computerization and technology development. b2b jpg/r0_0_729_410_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg
Articles on specific career/future jobs related topics: Articles on specific career related topics: the the 10 Crazy Jobs That Will Exist in the Future future/#MOyTsk1gTgqO future.htmhttp:// of-the-future/ future.htmhttp:// of-the-future/ paying-jobs-of-the-future/2/ paying-jobs-of-the-future/2/ best-jobs best-jobs
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