Understanding W-H-Y Unit Portfolio Presentation Lorrie Forbus
Unit Summary The students will soon be starting geometric proofs as part of their logic unit. This lesson is meant to show that the thought process associated with geometric proofs is relevant in many parts of our daily lives. Logical reasoning in geometric proofs use the same reasoning skills as a lawyer would use in formulating convincing arguments, a mechanic in fixing a automobile, or even a student in choosing a close friend. I hope to challenge each student to think quickly and find ways to solve situations that they will encounter throughout their lives.
Curriculum Framing Questions ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What makes knowing why so important? UNIT QUESTIONS: 1. How does logical reasoning play a part in choosing your friends? 2. What decisions have you made lately and how did you make it? CONTENT QUESTIONS: What is a conditional statement? What is a hypothesis? What is a conclusion? What does it mean to negate? Write the sentence “Flowers are beautiful.”, as a conditional statement. What is a good definition for parallel lines, hat, and automobile. What is a biconditional statement? What is a truth value? Determine the truth value for conditional statements, converses, inverses, contrapositives. What is an inverse? What is a contrapositive? Draw a conclusion using the Law of Detachment and the Law of Syllogism
Understanding W-H-Y Project This project will help my students develop 21 st century skills by: Analyzing data and drawing conclusions to answer Unit Questions. Solving problems and making decisions as to why they chose the decisions that they made. Collaborating with peers. Use reasoning skills to communicate with others through journals writing and artistic expressions.
Gauging Students Needs Assessments Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and how they problem solve. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know about how to explain their reasoning process. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I ask students to find relationships and draw conclusions about how to explain why. How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? If students have misconceptions about how to write conditional statements, I can provide help. If students have different levels of understanding about the importance of writing reasons, I can provide various resources. We will revisit this assessment throughout the unit for students to add their knowledge. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? I would like help on my assessment. I think I need to elicit more higher- order thinking.
My Goals for this Unit To make students aware of the thought process associated with logical proofs and deductive reasoning. To help students understand its relevance to real life. Use more technology and internet sources to help students develop a better understanding about the unit. Help develop units of geometry that will motivate my students and help them see how it relates to them personally.
Goals for My Students To realize how the process of elimination can be used to reach a specific conclusion. To understand the benefits of proactive planning to solve problems. To collect and analyze data in order to recognize patterns and trends that can be used to predict the outcomes of future situations. Students will draw conclusions based on observations using inductive reasoning. Students will write special types of statements known as conditionals, biconditional and definitions. Students will use these statements and logical reasoning to conclude truth values of other statements. Students will understand how deductive reasoning works and will apply to formulate conclusions. Students will be able to understand and create good definitions. Students will use the Laws of Detachment and Syllogism to draw conclusions.