Criminal scientists Dominik, Dmitry, Girma, Jia and Ruisheng
L'Aquila quake: Italy scientists guilty of manslaughter
Scientific Point of View Responsibility of Scienctists Should the scientists be responsible for negative effect or catastrophe? Whether the scientists tell the truth or cast for general public? Role of Science Exploring unknown and/or solving problems? Can science solve all of the problems?
From point of view of society ● Did experts act in an ethical way? – Scientific responsibility Objectivity, error estimation – Social responsibility Official role, political influence, communication ● Ethical to sue the commission? – Scientists did nothing wrong Prediction impossible, Scientists can't exclude earthquake – Judges will answer the question of guilt Victims opinion is checked by the court
Was it ethical for the court to hold a trial on the scientists? ● Did the jury and judge have the scientific knowledge to judge the scientists??? ● Wasn’t it necessary to have a specially kind of court where the scientists could have been judged by scientists?
FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE TODAY: ● Should we pursue research in all directions? If yes, who will collect knowledge, administrate them, and take a decision in the end? ● What is post-science and how does the World look like after science? SCIENTIFIC ADMINISTRATION: ● Does the state still pose the questions to Science? ● Administrative organization of science is no longer adequate! The research community was not able to detect the problem in time. What kind of institution we want after reformation? ● Does one need particular specialization? CONCLUDING REMARKS