Brand Selection-investigate Rolex watch Conduct the study in Glasgow, UK Survey data from 321 consumers Randomly choose supermarkets and 5 gave permission. supermarket 1 located in shopping centre 2 relative small 2 medium sized store
Using the questionnaire Used gaze and touch method (recommended by previous researchers) which are used the chocolates
First author and 8 trained fieldworkers collected the data at the supermarkets entrances The researcher invited every 10 th shopper The research proceeded over 14 day period included weekends and weekdays to avoid respondent bias
All involved constructs were measured using five-point Likert scale (1= strongly disagree, 5= strongly agree)
Used consumer in Glasgow, UK as the sample The sample consisted of 430 shoppers 181 males, 140 females
Using questionnaire Using mail Using observation
The authors give the research questionnaire to the shopper at the entrance of the supermarkets The other author contacted 20 consumers by mail They do the survey at the supermarkets