1 Neutrino detector test beam requirements 0. Disclaimer 1. News from the neutrino scene 2. Beam requirements for AIDA and others
2 Disclaimer -- I was asked to give this presentation just before Xmas, and before a long stretch of funding requests and other critical deadlines I present these slides as ‘best information available’ I have no particular mandate to do so (except from AIDA group)
3 The Neutrino Scene – activities at CERN 1.Present neutrino oscillation experiments in which European groups are involved MINOS Iron calorimeter / T2K (TPC, ECAL) had test beams for detector development in East area Completed. 2. Experiment at CERN running now: NA61/SHINE T2K data at 30GeV beam energy is probably completed -- but may need T2K data at 40 or 50 GeV if T2K proton energy changes Fermilab Groups preparing requests: -- will request 120 GeV beam for NUMI beams and other energies (40 60…) for their DUSEL future project -- will request low energy (8 GeV+ Berylium) for the BooNE beam likely to need a dedicated Cherenkov request to DPE and SPSC in preparation 3. Future experiments in which Europeans will be involved or are studying -- AIDA project -- Liquid Argon projects -- Water Cherenkov projects
4 There are several neutrino projects proposed: Long baseline (‘Active neutrino’ oscillations) L = 500km * E (GeV) (x0.2 – 2 ) -- low energy superbeam to Frejus Water Cherenkov detector -- beta beam to Frejus 130 km (0.26 GeV 0.5 GeV) -- neutrino factory to detector ~ km -- higher energy ‘CNGS like’ beam to Pyhasalmi (2300 km) 4.6 GeV -- keep CNGS itself (but no near detector!) to Umbria or Golf of Taranto Short Baseline L ~ 1 km * E (GeV) (‘sterile neutrinos’) -- revive PS neutrino beam 1 GeV OR try to combine all neutrino beams in the north area this is presently the favored scenario: CN2PY as backbone to future neutrino program at CERN OR accept that all neutrino activities go to overseas projects -- T2HK in Japan (Water Cherenkov at 300km) 0.7 GeV or Liquid Argon detector at 650 km -- DUSEL in the US (new neutrino beam) 1300km 2.6 GeV No matter what happens, involvment of European groups in future neutrino projects will require test beams E GeV
Long distance: 2300km Pyhasalmi Fine grain detector e.g. 20kton fid. Larg + Magnetized detector Long distance allows rapid sensitivity to sign( m 2 13 ) 1st step easier: SPS C2PY consortium 1st priority Nextsteps HP 50 GeV PS … …or neutrino factory Getting our feet on (under) the ground: LAGUNA –LBNO new FP7 design study Alain Blondel HIF Workshop main options Short distance: 130km Memphys at Frejus SPL+beta beam CP and T violation Medium term plans include long term plans! A. Rubbia
Sensitivity plot from the SPC panel report (2009): work from EUROnu, Laguna, IDS-NF, DUSEL, T2KK etc… Alain Blondel HIF Workshop km 2300km Limitation due to matter effect sytematics
Alain Blondel HIF Workshop Will also study short baseline + sterile neutrino expts
8 -- Stopping properties of pions and muons in fine grain detector This will be studied in the MICE EMR at RAL (or Larg at KEK) using stopping e/mu/pi of both signs in May 2012 MICE/KEK BEAMS -- Charge separation for electrons in Minerva – like detector (with lower density?) in magnetic field This can be studied in the MORPURGO magnet at CERN beam requirement : electron beam from GeV (perhaps 10 GeV) -- Charge separation in MIND-like detector This can be studied in a baby-MIND detector at CERN beam requirement : muons from 0.8 – 2 GeV (perhaps 10 GeV?) -- hadronic shower angular and transverse momentum resolution in TASD and MIND or LArg (tau detection in superbeam or high energy neutrino factory) this requires about 2m deep MIND (that is CDHS shower box) and 2x2x5m deep TASD or LArg in hadron test beam e.g. at CERN or Fermilab beam requirement protons pions of 0.5 to 10 GeV. Beam Requirements -- Physics issues:
9 Fast detectors for magnetized near detectors in Superbeam, beta-beam, neutrino factory Accurate position resolution (mm) triangular shaped scintillator bars Magnetic field si-PMT readout MICE calorimeter = 1m 3 Next step: test at CERN in Dipole magnet in H8 1.6m diameter. Variable density by spacing planes -- reconstruction of showering electrons -- stopping properties of pions and muons First test in T9 beam at CERN – position resolution few mm
11 neutrino event in ND m Liquid KEK
15 CONCLUSIONS 1.Neutrino experiments will develop and require test beams 2.Typical energies required are more akin to East area 3.Size of test detectors can be quite large (2x2x5 or more) 4.A large 1x1x2m, B=1.5 T magnet is requested for some of the studies 5.Beam energies in the range GeV (Frejus, T2HK, WCherenkov) 0.5 – 10 GeV (CN2PY) consistent with East Area beams for several tests but large magnet and large detector size prefer North Area 6. Request = a Neutrino Test Beam area at CERN! 7. Time scale is …