Outline 1. Resume 2. Take the interviewer’s perspective 3. Choose 4. Practical inspection 5. Focus your attention 6. Do the work 7. Build a network 8. Use right kind of frequency
1. Resume Brand names work, so use brand names Highlight accomplishments and successes Quantify to be vivid & memorable Point out relevant experience Use 90% of your energy getting a resume into the decision maker’s hands
2. Interviewer’s perspective Why I should hire you? How do you fill a need I have? Does the team like you? How quickly can you begin working with clients? Demonstrate you want the job
3. You must choose Choose an area of expertise Pick a city Research 3 agencies Top clients Toughest clients Client’s top competitor Client’s trade press
4. Practical inspection Honest self-assessment Identify weaknesses from interviewer’s POV Get help in rewording your best & worse traits
5. Focus your attention Read hundreds of job descriptions Identify generic, useless job requirements Isolate truly essential job requirements Envision yourself doing one of these jobs Use this intelligence to create a modular resume
6. Do the work Do a significant amount of applied research Agency Clients Products Advertising and PR Competitors Trade news Use research to expand your job scope: competing agencies, media and client-side
Agency Big Client 1 Big Client 2 Big Client Hi Client 1 Hi Client Lo Client 1 Lo Client 2 Trade Assoc. Trade Public. Trade Show ---- Trade Assoc. Trade Public. Trade Show Trade Assoc. Trade Public. Trade Show Annual Report Analyst Reports ---- Annual Report Analyst Reports ---- Annual Report Analyst Reports Job #1 Job #2 Job #3 Job #1 Job #2 Job #3 Job #1 Job #2 Job #3 Job AgenciesBig 3 Clients Hi/Lo Clients Trade Info OpeningsJobs Do the work Compan y Info
Conversation starter Something to bring to the interview Something you’ve studied and know well Empowers you 6. Do the work
7. Build a network Who you trust, not who you know Build your network one person at a time Get one interview Information interviews aren’t Be specific when you ask for an interview
7. Build a network AdGrad.org PRGrad.org Jobs Full-Time Internship Katy Sara
8. Right kind of frequency Ask for a business card “May I stay in touch?” Demonstrate skills the interviewer wants to see Frequent informative follow-up You stay at the top of the list while hunting You will be a quick start when hired You must prove you want the job
What to do after “Thank You” Frequency works... so use relevant frequency Article or hard copy of a news item involving their client Sticky note - “Thought this might be useful” After fourth article, ask for interview 8. Right kind of frequency
You are not a stalker You are demonstrating what they’re looking for: initiative organization persistence discipline “I’m a quick start. I’m doing background research on my own time. Hire me.” Ask for the business. 8. Right kind of frequency
Successful people do what unsuccessful people don’t do. It’s not that unsuccessful people can’t, or won’t, or don’t know how, or aren’t able to or don’t have the opportunity. They just don’t. Expect Success
Start today What are you waiting for? Make your move Don’t wait for the perfect time or the perfect job Our business is more fun than you can imagine
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