Re evaluate last lessons objectives… * To identify the 6 components of skill-related fitness ** To understand the importance of each component in different physical activities *** To evaluate the importance of each component in different physical activities
Starter activity… Answer the following questions in your book. 1. What is the definition of fitness? (1) 2. Name the two types of fitness. (2) 3. Having a good level of cardiovascular endurance is most suited to what type of activity? (1) 4. Having good balance is most suited to what type of activity? (1)
What makes a successful athlete? What are the most important characteristics within a modern athlete?
Fitness testing… * To identify the appropriate fitness test for each component of fitness ** To explain each fitness test *** To understand what a PAR-Q is and why it is used Rate your understanding…
PAR-Q… Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire This is a questionnaire made up of yes or no questions Designed to access whether it is safe for you to increase your physical activity What type of questions do you think could be asked on a PAR-Q?
Health related fitness tests… Test 1 for cardiovascular fitness… 12 minute Cooper run test Run as many times round a track as you can in 12 minutes and then record distance
Health related fitness tests… Test 2 for cardiovascular fitness… Treadmill test This tests how long you can run for This is used to work out the maximum amount of oxygen you use in one minute
Health related fitness tests… Test 3 for cardiovascular fitness… Harvard step test 30 step ups a minute for 5 mins Rest for 1 min Take pulse Length of exercise in secs x 100 / 5.5 x pulse
Health related fitness tests… Fitness test for strength… Hand grip test A dyanometer is used to measure strength Grip as hard as you can on this hand grip dyanometer
Health related fitness tests… Fitness test for flexibility… Sit and reach test Measures flexibility in back and lower hamstrings Sit on floor, legs out straight in front of you Reach forwards as far as you can with your fingers, keeping legs straight
Skill related fitness tests… Agility… Illinois agility run test Start laying face down at start When whistle blows, run around the course as fast as you can
Skill related fitness tests… Co-ordination… 3 ball juggle The more co-ordinated you are, the longer you will be able to juggle for
Skill related fitness tests… Balance… Standing stork test Stand on one leg with other foot touching your knee, hands on hips The longer you can stand still, the better your balance!
Skill related fitness tests… Power test 1… Standing broad jump test Start with both feet behind the line Jump as far forward as you can Power test 2… Sargent jump test Chalk fingertips Mark on wall highest point you can reach Jump and touch wall at highest point Measure difference
Skill related fitness tests… Speed… 30 metre sprint test Time how long it takes you to run 30m
Skill related fitness tests… Reaction time… Ruler drop test Friend hold a ruler between your thumb and forefinger at 0cm Friend drops the ruler and you catch it as soon as you can
Exam Questions…
Homework Visit my PE exam and complete quizzes 12 – 17 based on health and skill related components of fitness, and fitness testing This will be revision for an end of unit test you will complete next lesson