Skill Related Components of Fitness (1) Understanding the aspects of fitness that make sports people successful in their specific sports
Session Outcomes: By the end of this session we should be able to: Understand what is meant by Skill Related Factors of Fitness Identify the Component of fitness that relates to a Specific sport
Question 1: Which of the following Health Related Components of Fitness is described as being the range of movement around a joint? A. Power B. Speed C. Flexibility D. Explosive Strength
Question 2: Which of the following Health Related Components of Fitness can be described as being the strength required to maintain a body position for a prolonged period of time A. Power B. Balance C. Dynamic Strength D. Explosive Strength
Question 3: Which of the following Health Related Components of Fitness can be described as a combination of maximum speed and maximum strength? A. Power B. Static Strength C. Speed D. Dynamic Strength
Question 4: This component of fitness is described as being the combination of reaction time and movement time... A. Power B. Speed C. Strength D. Static Strength
Key Terms: Factors Fitness Agility Balance Coordination Reaction Time Timing Illinois Agility Test Stork Stand Alternate Hand Throw Ruler Drop Test Date – 16/07/2013 Title – Skill-related Components of Fitness CW Underline all with a ruler
Discuss: What skill-related components of fitness do you think Lionel Messi requires to perform successfully in a game of football?
Discuss: What skill-related components of fitness do you think Usain Bolt requires to perform successfully when starting races?
Skill Related Factors of Fitness Agility A combination of flexibility and speed. Changing direction really quickly Balance Maintain a given posture in static and dynamic situations. Level and stable Co-ordination Link all parts of movement into one efficient movement, control of the body Reaction time Time taken for the body to react to a given stimulus Timing Coincide movements in relation to external factors
What do we now know? In your pairs I want you to have a competition. You are to have 2min each to say as much as possible about the components of fitness you have learnt about. This includes both Physical (last lesson) and Skill-related components. Keep a tally chart of every word you hear which is relevant.
Work Sheet Complete the work sheet individually, you can discuss with the person next to you. Then using your exercise book you need to answer the question at the bottom. Make sure you write fully to achieve the 12 marks on offer.