SHS Fastpitch 2014 Sprayberry Fastpitch Mission Statement: Through high standards instilled for both players, managers and coaches, the Sprayberry Fastpitch Program will develop ladies of the utmost integrity. Members of the Sprayberry Fastpitch Program will be committed to hard work and loyalty while pursuing excellence on the field, in the classroom and off the field. The desire to improve ones skills as it promotes the good of the team and sets aside personal agendas that do not go hand in hand with team goals is the major focus of our program. The success of this program will be measured not only by its play on the field, but also by the lifelong impact it will have on all persons who commit themselves to the program.
SHS Fastpitch 2014 “Foundational 5” 1. TEAM Comes First 2. Play and Live With DISCIPLINE 3. Choose Your ATTITUDE 4. Maximize Your EFFORT 5. Maintain STRONG CHARACTER
Player Expectations These are the big goals we want all players to be striving towards all year long. Be the best student and daughter I can be. Be the very best player/teammate/friend I can be. Make a contribution of time, effort and talent every day. Never miss practice or games (both are mandatory during the season; failure to attend will result in not playing in a game) PRACTICE LIKE YOU PLAY! No course failures at progress report checkpoints SHS Fastpitch
Coaching Staff: Christina ZummoHead Coach Chantel GautneyAssistant Coach Joe TenoschokAssistant Coach Booster Club: Janet TokosPresident --Vice President Tess BrehTreasurer --Secretary Lisa GentileSpecial Events Lisa SmithWebsite Coordinator SHS Fastpitch
Summer Workouts Not mandatory but highly encouraged Gives players a head start on their season with skills, athleticism, and team bonding Participation in summer workouts does not guarantee a spot on the team SHS Fastpitch
Summer Workouts A valid physical needs to be turned in to Coach Zummo before your player can step foot on the field on June 2 nd. Physicals are valid for one year. Please get these done! SHS Fastpitch
SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 2 Workouts Begin Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Dead Week 27 Dead Week 28 Dead Week 29 Dead Week 30 Dead Week June 2014
July 2014 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Dead Week 2 Dead Week 3 Dead Week 4 Dead Week 5 Dead Week 6 Dead Week 7 Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Weights 8-9 Field Field Weights 8-9 Field Aug. 1 Tryouts 4:00 Aug. 2 Field Cleanup Day 9:00
Tryouts: Friday, Aug. 1 st 4:00 Players will be assessed for the team on a combination of skills. Not everyone will make the team. Players will be judged fairly, but the coaches have the final decision in who makes the team. Players will be evaluated in the following categories: Arm Strength Defensive Ability Speed Agility Hitting (Swing and Bunting Ability) Slapping (If Applicable) Pitching (If Applicable) Catching (If Applicable) Hustle Attitude Softball Knowledge Ability to take Constructive Criticism SHS Fastpitch
Dues: $500 for the season This is paying for uniforms, community coaches, equipment (balls, field paint, etc.), field maintenance, tournament fees, umpires, website maintenance, end of season banquets, player gifts, awards, corporation fees (Real cost per player is around $800) We get no money from the school system to pay for this program. We are self-funded so your commitment and support is not only appreciated but necessary. SHS Fastpitch
Payments Expected in full at the kick off dinner Wednesday Aug. 6 th Arrangements for other payment plans will be approved by head coach, president, and treasurer before the player’s jersey is issued at kickoff dinner. SHS Fastpitch
Website Important announcements and dates Sponsorship forms Photos from last seasons SHS Fastpitch
Fall Game Schedule DateOpponentTimeLocation Friday Aug. 8thKell TournamentTBA Saturday Aug. 9thKell TournamentTBA Tuesday Aug. 12thNorth Springs**5:55Sprayberry Wednesday Aug. 13thMarietta5:30Sprayberry Thursday Aug. 14thRiverwood**5:55Riverwood Tuesday Aug. 19thKell**5:55Kell Wednesday Aug. 20thPinecrest5:55Sprayberry Thursday Aug. 21stNorth Atlanta**5:55Sprayberry Tuesday Aug. 26thCambridge**5:55Sprayberry Tuesday Sep. 2ndForsyth Central**5:55Forsyth Central Wednesday Sep. 3rdPope5:00Pope Thursday Sep. 4thNorth Springs**5:55North Springs Tuesday Sep. 9thRiverwood**5:55Sprayberry Thursday Sep. 11thKell**5:55Sprayberry Tuesday Sep. 16thNorth Atlanta**5:55North Atlanta Thursday Sep. 18thCambridge**5:55Cambridge Tuesday Sep. 23rdOsborne5:55Sprayberry Wednesday Sep. 24thRoswell5:55Sprayberry Thursday Sep. 25thForsyth Central**5:55Sprayberry Friday Sep. 26thNorth Cobb TournamentTBA Saturday Sep. 27thNorth Cobb TournamentTBA Wednesday Oct. 1stEtowah5:55Etowah **Region Games