Livestock Judging
What is Livestock Judging? Carefully analyzing animals and measuring them against a standard that is commonly accepted as being “ideal.”
Rules No cell phones. 3 or 4 members 12 minutes per class 50 points per class Notes can be used EPD’s and other information is provided More than 1 breed can be used No talking among contestants Total points possible: 675-individual;2025-team No cell phones.
How do we train a team? Obtain a Livestock Evaluation Handbook from IMS #4032 Select students for team members Have students read and test the on the Handbook
How do we train a team? Go over each type of livestock in the contest in explicit detail (swine, cattle, sheep) Explain the rules and regulations Practice on live animals (have a mock judging contest) Explain the scantron sheet Watch videos
Cattle Body structure Structural soundness Muscling Frame size Breed characteristics EPD’s Degree of finish Yield Grades Capacity
Swine Muscling Structural soundness Weight Back fat thickness Grade Capacity Underline Sex character
Lambs How to feel lambs for muscling and finish Loin Length of rump Leg Top line Structural correctness Frame size Capacity Mouth soundness Type of birth and rearing
Activity Watch the video to get a feel of the replacement heifer class. Which ones would you keep or cull? EPD’s are provided