Who am I? Deb Alldis Catering Manager of Northolt High Healthy Eating Expert!
What we are doing today? We are learning about healthy eating! How are we going to do that? We are going to teach each other about the food groups. We are going to try some food. YUM!!! We are going to make our own (pretend!) packed lunches.
What do you know about healthy eating?
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
What do you think is a healthy breakfast?
Activity! In your table groups you are going to create a poster. You will be given information and pictures about the group. You can make the poster any way you want. You will be presenting your information to the class. You only have 10 minutes to do this!
Fruit and Vegetables
Sugar and Fats
Tasters! We will be passing around some foods for you to taste. While you are trying them, think about: What you like about them? Would you eat them again?
Lunch Boxes! What foods do you have in your lunch boxes? Do you think this is healthy?
Healthy Lunch Boxes Healthy lunch boxes should contain food from most of the food groups. 1 carbohydrate 1 protein 1 dairy 2 fruit/vegetables As we should only have a little fat and sugar in our diets, the Government has banned sweets and crisps in schools.
Activity! You are going to create your own healthy lunch box. You will be given an empty lunch box and you should fill it with pictures of a balanced lunch. 1 carbohydrate 1 protein 1 dairy 2 fruit/vegetables
Plenary We are now going to find out what you have learnt about healthy eating!!!!! Let’s play “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!”. “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!”.“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire!”.