The Homefront Entitle your page Women, the Homefront and World War II
Women As more men went off to war, women of all ages and races entered the workforce Women took over roles of men…from the factories to the baseball fields Rosie the Riveter-symbol, courtesy of OWI Women helped in the Armed Forces as well: doing non-combat jobs that men would have been doing Forced back into the home after the war …suburbs and the baby boom! List 5 ways women helped at home during the war
Rationing Shortages of a variety of items needed for the war effort, including: Meat Gasoline Sugar Metal Butter Coffee Government rationed, or limited, the consumption of these items during the war by issuing ration books. Severe penalties were given to rule breakers Substitutes were also used to help with the scarcity List at least 2 substitutes FOR EACH items that were rationed during WWII
Victory Gardens Home grown gardens in backyards, rooftops, vacant lots, baseball fields, window boxes, etc. Major home front movement to grow food, so other food supply can go to war effort Saved fuel by less harvesting and transport of commercial 20 million gardens produced 8 million tons of food in 1943 United communities Way for old and young at home to help in the war effort What 5 items could people in the 21 st century sacrifice for today’s war effort?
Radio Major form of communication to the home front on the war TV/Internet of the time period Used by spies as information collection tool What other means of communication would you use if the government needed your cell phone for war? What if they censored the internet?
What is the OWI? Office of War Information Government department created to promote the war to the American public. Responsible for propaganda, etc. Should the government control information in times of war? Is so, should they be doing so now?