TS7700 Performance and Capacity Daily and Hourly charts Enter Description, Month & Year in this Text Box
2 Short description This presentation contains information and graphs about the performance and capacity of a TS7700 virtualization engine This will show the statistics for only one cluster (even if in a multi-cluster grid) If you want the views from other clusters in the grid, you will need to generate separate presentations for each cluster
3 Agenda This presentation contains the following sections: In PowerPoint, right click on the section name and then “Open Hyperlink” to go directly to the beginning of that section. –OverviewOverview –Data transferData transfer –Virtual mountsVirtual mounts –Virtual mount timesVirtual mount times –Virtual Drive and Physical Drive usageVirtual Drive and Physical Drive usage –Physical mountsPhysical mounts –Physical mount timesPhysical mount times –Data compression ratiosData compression ratios –BlocksizesBlocksizes –Tape Volume Cache performanceTape Volume Cache performance –ThrottlingThrottling –Multi cluster configuration (Grid)Multi cluster configuration (Grid) –Import/Export UsageImport/Export Usage –Capacities: Active Volumes and GB storedCapacities: Active Volumes and GB stored –Capacities: Cartridges usedCapacities: Cartridges used –Pools (Common Scratch Pool and up to 4 Storage Pools )Pools (Common Scratch Pool and up to 4 Storage Pools )
4 Preliminary notes In each section: First will be shown the daily values for the period of analysis Second will be shown the hourly values for a selected day. The hour on the axis is the end-of-hour time. To further differentiate these from the daily charts, the hourly charts will have headers in this dark blue color.
5 Overview
6 Overview for the selected day
7 Host Data transfers The following charts show –Overview of data transfer –GB read –GB write –Total data transfers –Max. and avg. throughput –Max. read throughput –Max. write throughput –Avg. throughput Return to Agenda
8 Overview of data transfer Comment:
9 All data transfer Comment:
10 GB Read Comment:
11 GB Write Comment:
12 Maximum and average throughput Comment:
13 Maximum read throughput Comment:
14 Maximum write throughput Comment:
15 Average throughput Comment:
16 Overview of data transfer Comment:
17 All data transfer Comment:
18 GB Read Comment:
19 GB Write Comment:
20 Maximum and average throughput Comment:
21 Maximum read throughput Comment:
22 Maximum write throughput Comment:
23 Average throughput Comment:
24 Virtual mounts The following charts show –Overview of virtual mounts by type –Scratch mounts –Read hit mounts –Read miss mounts –% mount misses Return to Agenda
25 Overview of mounts Comment:
26 Overview of mounts Comment:
27 Scratch Virtual mounts Comment:
28 Read Hit Mounts Comment:
29 Read Miss Mounts Comment:
30 Mounts Cache Miss % Comment:
31 Overview of mounts Comment:
32 Scratch virtual mounts Comment:
33 Read Hit Mounts Comment:
34 Read Miss Mounts Comment:
35 % Cache misses Comment:
36 Virtual mount times The following charts show the average virtual mount times for –Overall virtual mounts –Scratch mounts –Read hits –Read misses Return to Agenda
37 Average virtual mount times Comment:
38 Average virtual mount time vs. Cache Miss Percent Comment:
39 Average mount times for scratch mounts Comment:
40 Average mount times for read hits Comment:
41 Average mount times for read misses Comment:
42 Average hourly virtual mount times Comment:
43 Average mount times for scratch mounts Comment:
44 Average mount times for read hits Comment:
45 Average mount times for read misses Comment:
46 Drive usage The following charts show average and maximum usage of –Virtual drives –Physical drives Return to Agenda
47 Usage of virtual drives Comment:
48 Usage of physical drives Comment:
49 Usage of virtual drives Comment:
50 Usage of physical drives Comment:
51 Physical mounts The following charts show all physical mounts and how they are split up into –Recall mounts (staging) –Migration mounts (writing to tape) –Reclamation mounts Return to Agenda
52 All physical mounts Comment:
53 Recall mounts Comment:
54 Recall mounts vs. Read Misses Comment:
55 Migration mounts Comment:
56 Reclamation mounts Comment:
57 Hourly physical mounts Comment:
58 Hourly Recall mounts Comment:
59 Hourly Migration mounts Comment:
60 Hourly Reclamation mounts Comment:
61 Physical mount times The following charts show –Maximum physical mount time –Average physical mount time Return to Agenda
62 Daily Maximum physical mount time Comment:
63 Daily Average physical mount time Comment:
64 Daily Average physical mount time Comment:
65 Maximum physical mount time by hour Comment:
66 Average physical mount time by hour Comment:
67 Average physical mount time by hour Comment:
68 Data Compression Ratios The following charts show –Compression ratios (Total, read, write) –Write compression ratio Return to Agenda
69 Daily Compression Ratios Comment:
70 Daily Write compression ratio Comment:
71 Hourly Compression Ratios Comment:
72 Hourly Write compression ratio Comment:
73 Blocksize Performance depends on the block size used. The bigger, the better. The following chart shows information about the block sizes used. The block size ranges are: –Less than or equal to 2KB –Less than or equal to 4KB –Less than or equal to 8KB –Less than or equal to 16KB –Less than or equal to 32KB –Less than or equal to 64KB –Greater than 64KB The chart shows the percent of total blocks for each block size range. Return to Agenda
74 Daily % Blocks Transferred Comment:
75 Hourly % Blocks Transferred Comment:
76 Tape Volume Cache Performance Tape Volume Cache Management may be used to influence the use of the Tape Volume Cache (TVC). This can be done with the Storage Class attribute. This parameter selects Preference Groups (PG0 or PG1). With no usage of IART, all volumes default to PG1. PG0 –Preferential early removal of volumes from cache, largest first. –IART >= 100 PG1 –Removal of volumes after PG0, least recently used first. –IART < 100 The following charts show: –Number of virtual volumes in cache (PG0 and PG1) –Amount of GB (compressed) in cache (PG0 and PG1) –Duration in cache in hours, separated for PG0 and PG1 –Number of virtual volumes removed from cache in the last 4 hours and the last 48 hours, separated for PG0 and PG1 Return to Agenda
77 Virtual volumes in cache Comment:
78 GB (compressed) in cache Comment:
79 Residency Time in Cache Comment:
80 Residency Time in Cache Comment:
81 Virtual volumes purged Comment:
82 Virtual volumes purged Comment:
83 Virtual volumes in cache by hour Comment:
84 GB (compressed) in cache by hour Comment:
85 Residency Time in Cache (4 Hr.) Comment:
86 Duration in cache – PG1 Comment:
87 Virtual volumes purged - PG0 Comment:
88 Virtual volumes purged – PG1 Comment:
89 Throttling Throttling will be occur if the amount of data exceeds certain thresholds. This is only a simplified definition. The redbook SG , Chapter 8, Performance and monitoring contains a detailed description of throttling. The following charts show if there is –Write throttling (Data arriving faster than can be migrated to tape) –Copy throttling (Data arriving faster from other clusters than can be migrated to tape) –GB to Migrate queue (1.5 only) These values are the maximum for the day. Zeros is the best case. Return to Agenda
90 Write/Copy throttling Comment:
91 Write GB vs. Write throttling % Comment:
92 Write GB vs. Copy throttling % Comment:
93 Maximum GB to Migrate Comment:
94 Write/Copy throttling hourly Comment:
95 Write GB vs. Write throttling % Comment:
96 Write GB vs. Copy throttling % Comment:
97 Maximum GB to Migrate Comment:
98 Multi cluster Grid Queues If the TS7700 is a member of a multi cluster GRID configuration, the following charts contain these statistics: Point-in-time: End of Interval and/or Maximum –Virtual volumes remaining to be received by this cluster –GiB remaining to be received by this cluster –GiB remaining to be copied to another cluster –Deferred Copy minutes and Immediate Copy minutes GiB and MiB/sec are compressed numbers GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes Return to Agenda
99 Virtual Volumes to be Received Comment:
100 GiB to be Received Comment:
101 Maximum GiB to Copy Comment:
102 Deferred Copy Minutes Comment:
103 Immediate Copy Minutes Comment:
104 Virtual volumes to Receive by hour Comment:
105 MiB to Receive by hour Comment:
106 Maximum GiB to Copy Comment:
107 Deferred Copy Minutes Comment:
108 Immediate Copy Minutes Comment:
109 Multi cluster Grid Transfers If the TS7700 is a member of a multi cluster GRID configuration, the following charts contain these statistics: For the Interval: Day or Hour –GiB copied from this cluster during the Interval –Max. MiB/sec copied from this cluster –Avg. MiB/sec copied from this cluster –Remote Read MiB from other clusters –Remote Write MiB to other clusters GiB and MiB/sec are compressed numbers MiB = 1024 * 1024 bytes Return to Agenda
110 Daily GiB copied Comment:
111 Max. MiB/sec copied Comment:
112 Avg. MiB/sec copied Comment:
113 Remote read and write GiB Comment:
114 Hourly MiB copied Comment:
115 Max. MiB/sec copied Comment:
116 Avg. Hourly MiB/sec copied Comment:
117 Remote read and write MiB Comment:
118 Import/Export The follow charts show the number of –Imported and exported physical cartridges per period –Imported and exported virtual volumes per period –Imported and exported GB (compressed) per period The following charts will have zero values if the Import/Export function is not in use. Return to Agenda
119 Import/Export Number of physical cartridges Comment:
120 Import/Export Number of virtual volumes Comment:
121 Import/Export GB Comment:
122 Import/Export Number of physical cartridges Comment:
123 Import/Export Number of virtual volumes Comment:
124 Import/Export MB Comment:
125 Capacities: Active data The follow charts show –The number of Active logical volumes –The amount of Active GB of data The GiB numbers are GiB after compression Return to Agenda
126 Daily Active logical volumes Comment:
127 Daily Active GiB of data Comment:
128 Hourly Active logical volumes Comment:
129 Hourly Active GiB of data Comment:
130 Capacities: Cartridges used First there will be an overview about the maximum and minimum number of cartridges per type in the whole period. Following are charts about the usage of each type of cartridge, private and scratch –3592JJ (60 GB, 100 GB, or 128 GB raw capacities) –3592JA(300 GB, 500 GB, or 640 GB raw capacities) –3592JB (700 GB or 1000 GB raw capacities) Capacities vary with the model of the 3592 drive used If all values of a chart are zero, this cartridge type isn't in use. Only daily charts will be shown for cartridges Return to Agenda
131 Overview about cartridges
cartridges in Pools 1-32 Comment:
JB cartridges
JA cartridges
JJ cartridges
136 CSP and Storage Pools The following charts show pools: –Common Scratch Pool –Up to 4 Storage Pools (default is Pools ) Only daily charts will be shown for pools The daily charts will show the values at the end of the day. Return to Agenda
137 Common Scratch Pool The values for the Common Scratch Pool (CSP) will show the number of scratch volumes in the CSP at the end of the period. The following types will be shown: –3592 JA cartridges –3592 JJ cartridges –3592 JB cartridges In most cases, the storage pools will borrow cartridges from the CSP and return cartridges to the Common Scratch Pool when no longer used
138 Common Scratch Pool Daily Comment:
139 Storage Pools The following charts display information for up to 4 storage pools: –Number of Active virtual volumes –Amount of Active GiB’s (compressed) –GiB Written to Pool & GiB Read from Pool –Number of Scratch and Private cartridges used by the Pool If this Pool borrows from the Common Scratch Pool, usually there will be only 2 scratch cartridges
140 First Pool - Active Virtual Volumes Comment:
141 Second Pool - Active Virtual Volumes Comment:
142 Third Pool - Active Virtual Volumes Comment:
143 Fourth Pool - Active Virtual Volumes Comment:
144 First Pool - Active GiB Comment:
145 Second Pool - Active GiB Comment:
146 Third Pool - Active GiB Comment:
147 Fourth Pool - Active GiB Comment:
148 First Pool – GiB Transfers Comment:
149 Second Pool – GiB Transfers Comment:
150 Third Pool – GiB Transfers Comment:
151 Fourth Pool – GiB Transfers Comment:
152 First Pool - Scratch & Private Carts Comment:
153 Second Pool - Scratch & Private Carts Comment:
154 Third Pool - Scratch & Private Carts Comment:
155 Fourth Pool - Scratch & Private Carts Comment: