Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 The eSurge Coastal Altimetry Processor Luke West, Paolo Cipollini, Helen Snaith
Altimetry Geophysical Data Sea Surface Height (TWLE) Significant Wave Height Wind Speed Software Design Considerations Multi-mission Arbitrary Manipulation Fast Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013
Total Water-level Envelope Total Water-level Envelope is computed as the sum of… ( Altitude – Range – MSS ) Ocean loading tide Solid earth tide Wet tropospheric correction Dry tropospheric correction GIM ionospheric correction
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 Altimetry Retracking Model
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 Retracker s LRM retrackers… Brown ALES Brown fit SAR retracker… SAMOSA3 Automatic.
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 Missions ENVISAT (LRM) CRYOSAT (SAR)+NRT CRYOSAT (LRM)+NRT JASON2+NRT JASON1 Future missions ALTIKA+NRT
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Altimetry Processor Real Data Synthetic Data Alternative Fields Synthetic Data Corrections Real Data Original Data Output Modular Processing Interpolation chaos Not THIS !!!
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Altimetry Processor Pipeline Process Simple Programs Expressive Programs Permits Automatic Auditing Segment Hi Lo
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Altimetry Processor Pipeline Example Program Segment InputSelectOutput
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Altimetry Processor Pipeline Example Program Segment Acquire Data Retrack Waveforms Replace Field Interpolate Correction compute TWLE
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge netCDF products eSurge NRT Coastal Altimetry products are provided in netCDF. All fields are provide at high rate. Low rate fields sourced from L1B or L2A are interpolated linearly to high rate. Total Water-level Envelope is computed as the sum of… ( Altitude – Range – MSS ) Ocean loading tide Solid earth tide Wet tropospheric correction Dry tropospheric correction GIM ionospheric correction Source (CRYOSAT) L1B L1B /L2A L2A L1B &L2A Field list Time Latitude Longitude Altitude Uncorrected range Corrected range Significant Wave Height Wet tropospheric Dry tropospheric Ionospheric (GIM) Ionospheric (model) Inverse barometric Dynamic atmospheric Ocean equilibrium tide Ocean long period tide Geocentric polar tide Solid earth tide Mean Sea Surface Total Water-level Envelope Process Pass thru Computed Interpolated Computed
eSurge Processor example L2 enhanced CRYOSAT SAR output netcdf L2A-SAR { dimensions: time = 21 ; samples = 20 ; variables: int hi_alt_cog(time, samples) ; hi_alt_cog:_FillValue = ; hi_alt_cog:scale_factor = ; hi_alt_cog:long_name = "high rate altitude of CoG above reference ellipsoid" ; hi_alt_cog:units = "m" ; short hi_corr_ib(time, samples) ; hi_corr_ib:_FillValue = s ; hi_corr_ib:scale_factor = ; hi_corr_ib:long_name = "high rate inverted barometer correction" ; hi_corr_ib:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_correction_due_to_air_pressure_at_low_frequency" ; hi_corr_ib:units = "m" ; short hi_corr_iono(time, samples) ; hi_corr_iono:_FillValue = s ; hi_corr_iono:scale_factor = ; hi_corr_iono:long_name = "high rate ionospheric correction" ; hi_corr_iono:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_ionosphere" ; hi_corr_iono:units = "m" ; short hi_corr_ssb(time, samples) ; hi_corr_ssb:_FillValue = s ; hi_corr_ssb:scale_factor = ; hi_corr_ssb:long_name = "high rate sea state bias correction" ; hi_corr_ssb:units = "m" ; short hi_corr_trop_dry_mod(time, samples) ; hi_corr_trop_dry_mod:_FillValue = s ; hi_corr_trop_dry_mod:scale_factor = ; hi_corr_trop_dry_mod:long_name = "high rate model dry tropospheric correction" ; hi_corr_trop_dry_mod:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_dry_troposphere" ; hi_corr_trop_dry_mod:units = "m" ; short hi_corr_trop_wet_mod(time, samples) ; hi_corr_trop_wet_mod:_FillValue = s ; hi_corr_trop_wet_mod:scale_factor = ; hi_corr_trop_wet_mod:long_name = "high rate model wet tropospheric correction" ; hi_corr_trop_wet_mod:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_wet_troposphere" ; hi_corr_trop_wet_mod:units = "m" ; int hi_h_mss(time, samples) ; hi_h_mss:_FillValue = ; hi_h_mss:scale_factor = ; hi_h_mss:long_name = "high rate mean sea-surface height" ; hi_h_mss:units = "m" ; short hi_h_tide_load(time, samples) ; hi_h_tide_load:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_tide_load:scale_factor = ; hi_h_tide_load:long_name = "high rate tidal loading height" ; hi_h_tide_load:units = "m" ; short hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period(time, samples) ; hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period:scale_factor = ; hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period:long_name = "high rate long period tide height" ; hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_equilibrium_ocean_tide" ; hi_h_tide_ocean_long_period:units = "m" ; short hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen(time, samples) ; hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:scale_factor = ; hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:long_name = "hi rate total geocentric ocean tide height" ; hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_geocentric_ocean_tide" ; hi_h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:units = "m" ; short hi_h_tide_pole_geocen(time, samples) ; hi_h_tide_pole_geocen:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_tide_pole_geocen:scale_factor = ; hi_h_tide_pole_geocen:long_name = "high rate geocentric pole tide height" ; hi_h_tide_pole_geocen:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_pole_tide" ; hi_h_tide_pole_geocen:units = "m" ; short hi_h_tide_solid_earth(time, samples) ; hi_h_tide_solid_earth:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_tide_solid_earth:scale_factor = ; hi_h_tide_solid_earth:long_name = "high rate solid earth tide height" ; hi_h_tide_solid_earth:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_earth_tide" ; hi_h_tide_solid_earth:units = "m" ; short hi_h_twle_samosa(time, samples) ; hi_h_twle_samosa:_FillValue = s ; hi_h_twle_samosa:scale_factor = ; hi_h_twle_samosa:long_name = "high rate total water-level envelope from samosa processor" ; hi_h_twle_samosa:standard_name = "total_water_level_envelope" ; hi_h_twle_samosa:units = "m" ; float hi_lat(time, samples) ; hi_lat:_FillValue = e+36f ; hi_lat:long_name = "high rate geodetic latitude" ; hi_lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; hi_lat:units = "degrees_north" ; float hi_lon(time, samples) ; hi_lon:_FillValue = e+36f ; hi_lon:long_name = "high rate longitude" ; hi_lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; hi_lon:units = "degrees_east" ; int hi_range_samosa(time, samples) ; hi_range_samosa:_FillValue = ; hi_range_samosa:scale_factor = ; hi_range_samosa:long_name = "high rate range from samosa retracker" ; hi_range_samosa:standard_name = "altimeter_range" ; hi_range_samosa:units = "m" ; short hi_swh_samosa(time, samples) ; hi_swh_samosa:_FillValue = s ; hi_swh_samosa:scale_factor = ; hi_swh_samosa:long_name = "high rate significant wave height from samosa processor" ; hi_swh_samosa:standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_significant_height" ; hi_swh_samosa:units = "m" ; hi_swh_samosa:source = "Samosa3 processor" ; hi_swh_samosa:ancillary_variables = "flgout" ; double hi_time(time, samples) ; hi_time:_FillValue = e+36 ; hi_time:long_name = "high rate time in sec since " ; hi_time:standard_name = "time" ; hi_time:units = "sec since " ; int alt_cog(time) ; alt_cog:_FillValue = ; alt_cog:scale_factor = ; alt_cog:long_name = "altitude of CoG above reference ellipsoid" ; alt_cog:units = "m" ; alt_cog:source = "C2 MDSR field 9" ; short corr_ib(time) ; corr_ib:_FillValue = s ; corr_ib:scale_factor = ; corr_ib:long_name = "inverted barometer correction" ; corr_ib:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_correction_due_to_air_pressure_at_low_frequency" ; corr_ib:units = "m" ; corr_ib:source = "MDSR field 37" ; corr_ib:ancillary_variables = "flag_corr flag_corr_error" ; short corr_iono(time) ; corr_iono:_FillValue = s ; corr_iono:scale_factor = ; corr_iono:long_name = "ionospheric correction" ; corr_iono:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_ionosphere" ; corr_iono:units = "m" ; short corr_ssb(time) ; corr_ssb:_FillValue = s ; corr_ssb:scale_factor = ; corr_ssb:long_name = "sea state bias correction" ; corr_ssb:units = "m" ; short corr_trop_dry_mod(time) ; corr_trop_dry_mod:_FillValue = s ; corr_trop_dry_mod:scale_factor = ; corr_trop_dry_mod:long_name = "model dry tropospheric correction" ; corr_trop_dry_mod:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_dry_troposphere" ; corr_trop_dry_mod:units = "m" ; corr_trop_dry_mod:source = "MDSR field 35" ; corr_trop_dry_mod:ancillary_variables = "flag_corr flag_corr_error" ; short corr_trop_wet_mod(time) ; corr_trop_wet_mod:_FillValue = s ; corr_trop_wet_mod:scale_factor = ; corr_trop_wet_mod:long_name = "model wet tropospheric correction" ; corr_trop_wet_mod:standard_name = "altimeter_range_correction_due_to_wet_troposphere" ; corr_trop_wet_mod:units = "m" ; corr_trop_wet_mod:source = "MDSR field 36" ; corr_trop_wet_mod:ancillary_variables = "flag_corr flag_corr_error" ; int h_mss(time) ; h_mss:_FillValue = ; h_mss:scale_factor = ; h_mss:long_name = "mean sea-surface height" ; h_mss:units = "m" ; short h_tide_load(time) ; h_tide_load:_FillValue = s ; h_tide_load:scale_factor = ; h_tide_load:long_name = "tidal loading height" ; h_tide_load:units = "m" ; short h_tide_ocean_long_period(time) ; h_tide_ocean_long_period:_FillValue = s ; h_tide_ocean_long_period:scale_factor = ; h_tide_ocean_long_period:long_name = "long period Tide height" ; h_tide_ocean_long_period:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_equilibrium_ocean_tide" ; h_tide_ocean_long_period:units = "m" ; short h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen(time) ; h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:_FillValue = s ; h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:scale_factor = ; h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:long_name = "total geocentric ocean tide height" ; h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_geocentric_ocean_tide" ; h_tide_ocean_tot_geocen:units = "m" ; short h_tide_pole_geocen(time) ; h_tide_pole_geocen:_FillValue = s ; h_tide_pole_geocen:scale_factor = ; h_tide_pole_geocen:long_name = "geocentric pole tide height" ; h_tide_pole_geocen:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_pole_tide" ; h_tide_pole_geocen:units = "m" ; short h_tide_solid_earth(time) ; h_tide_solid_earth:_FillValue = s ; h_tide_solid_earth:scale_factor = ; h_tide_solid_earth:long_name = "solid earth tide height" ; h_tide_solid_earth:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_earth_tide" ; h_tide_solid_earth:units = "m" ; short h_twle_samosa(time) ; h_twle_samosa:_FillValue = s ; h_twle_samosa:scale_factor = ; h_twle_samosa:long_name = "total water-level envelope from samosa processor" ; h_twle_samosa:standard_name = "total_water_level_envelope" ; h_twle_samosa:units = "m" ; float lat(time) ; lat:_FillValue = e+36f ; lat:long_name = "geodetic latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:source = "C2 MDSR field 7" ; float lon(time) ; lon:_FillValue = e+36f ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:source = "C2 MDSR field 8" ; int range_samosa(time) ; range_samosa:_FillValue = ; range_samosa:scale_factor = ; range_samosa:long_name = "range from samosa retracker" ; range_samosa:standard_name = "altimeter_range" ; range_samosa:units = "m" ; short swh_samosa(time) ; swh_samosa:_FillValue = s ; swh_samosa:scale_factor = ; swh_samosa:long_name = "significant wave height from samosa processor" ; swh_samosa:standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_significant_height" ; swh_samosa:units = "m" ; double time(time) ; time:_FillValue = e+36 ; time:long_name = "time in sec since " ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "sec since " ; time:source = "C2 MDSR field 1" ; Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013
eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 eSurge Coastal Altimetry
Storm Surge Networking Forum th -20 th November 2013 Thank you… Any questions?