Craig Drennan Linac and 400 MeV BPMs January 7, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Craig Drennan Linac and 400 MeV BPMs January 7, 2011

1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs 2

1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs 3

1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs 4

1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs 5

Linac Beam Position Monitors 1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs6 -Beam position calibration needs improvement. -There is no online calibration for the current Linac BPM RF Modules. -It is important that the new BPM electronics be linear with beam intensity in order for steering programs to work properly. -Desired position resolution of +/- 0.25mm -NTF ‘s calibration needs should be considered in any upgrade.

Linac and 400 MeV BPM Specifications 1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs7 ParameterMinimumTypicalMaximum Beam Intensity Range5 mA34 mA +/- 1 mA60 mA Beam Pulse Duration2 usec25 usec60 usec BPM Signal Frequency (Note 1) MHz BPM Signal Amplitude Range Position Measurement Range+/- 25 mm Position Rise Time (within 2%)200 nsec Position Modulation BW3 MHz Sample Rate10 MHz Position Resolution (Note 2)0.25 mm Position Accuracy (Note 3) Long Term Position Stability0.25 mm Beam Phase w.r.t. RF Resolution0.1 deg Beam Phase Modulation BW

Linac and 400 MeV BPM Data Acquisition * Initial Proposal * 1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs8 1. Data acquisition of the beam position and intensity begins after an operator adjustable delay from the selected TCLK event. 2. One intensity and two positions (horizontal and vertical) are reported for each BPM at a 15 Hz rate. 3. Intensities and positions are averages of a settable number of samples over the beam pulse. 4. A settable offset, given as a number of samples into the data, determines which samples are not used in the averages.

Linac and 400 MeV BPM Data Acquisition (cont.) 1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs9 5. Delivery of every position sample for two operator selected BPM positions could be delivered at a 15 Hz rate. (600 samples = 10E6 sample/sec * 60E-6 sec) 6. One beam pulse average phase measurement from each BPM location delivered at 15 Hz. 7. Delivery of every phase sample for two operator selected BPM locations could be delivered at a 15 Hz rate.

Specific 400 MeV BPM Data Acquisition Requirements 1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs10 8. First Sample synchronous to the 400 MeV Chopper. A detailed document for the Chopper / BPM timing is provided in Beams-doc-3696-v1 in the Accelerator Division docDB document database A detailed document capturing the requirement details is in the works. Contributions to this document are appreciated Let me know the details you want to see written down and agreed on.

1/6/2011Linac and 400 MeV BPMs 11

Linac Beam Position Monitors RF Module: Linac Low Energy, Dwg # EE-60820, R.C. Webber 1987 Linac High Energy, Dwg # ED , J. Arthur 1993 Digitizer and DAQ: 20 MHz Digitizers tied into Linac front-end VME crates 12/7/2010Linac-Booster Beam Diagnostics12

Linac Beam Position Monitors Linac BPM Electronics Upgrade. – Linac BPM positions Low Energy Linac, 14 High Energy Linac, 80 (19 not currently connected) 400MeV plus 200 MHz Booster Injection, 51 12/7/2010Linac-Booster Beam Diagnostics13 – New electronics are like MTA BPMs. – Prototype installation expected in Spring 2011.

400MeV Beam Position Monitors RF Module: Dwg # ED , J. Arthur 1993 Digitizer and DAQ: Omnibyte, 5 MHz, “Comet” VME Beams-doc-3013-v2, S. Lackey 2008 For Description of gating see Beams-doc-3696-v1, C.C. Drennan /8/2010Linac-Booster Beam Diagnostics MeV BPM electronics will be upgraded with the Linac BPM’s.