☻F☻First planet from the Sun. ☻I☻It has no moons. ☻I☻It has no rings. ☻O☻One year is eighty eight days. ☻O☻One day is fifty nine Earth days.
☼C☼Craters on Mercury are named after famous people named Beethoven, Vilalida, Dickens,and Reinor. ☼ Mercury rotates on its axis every 58 days and 14 hours. ercury has a large core of iron. ercury is little bigger than our moon.
☻S☻Second planet from the sun. ☻I☻It doesn’t have a moon. ☻I☻It doesn’t have rings. ☻2☻224.7 days in a year. ☻2☻243 Earth days in one day.
☼Earth rotates from west to east Venus does the opposite. ☼Venus is sometimes called Earths twin because they’re almost the same size Almost all the land is named after Greek goddess such as Aphrodite and the American pilot Amelia Earhart. ☼Venus looks so beautiful they named it after the Roman goddess of love. ☼It is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere.
☻T☻Third planet from the sun. ☻I☻It has 1 moon. ☻I☻It doesn’t have any rings. ☻3☻365.3 days in a year. ☻2☻24 hours in one day.
☼Earth is the fifth largest planet. ☼Earth rotates on its axis in 23 hours and 56 minutes. ☼Earth has one moon which revolves around the planet about once a month. ☼Earth is about 93 miles away from the sun.
☻F☻Fourth planet from the sun. ☻I☻It has two moons. ☻I☻It has no rings. ☻6☻687 days are in a year. ☻2☻24.5 Earth hours are in a day.
☼Mars is more than 140 million miles away from the sun. ☼Mars was once very hot in the inside. ☼Mars is a dusty planet. ☼The pressure of the atmosphere is so low that your blood would boil if you stepped out on to the surface unprotected.
☻Fifth planet from the sun. ☻ At least 16 moons. ☻It has two rings. ☻12 Earth years is one year. ☻9.8 hours is in one day.
☼Jupiter is made of thick gases. ☼Winds at the equator travel at 300 miles per hour. ☼Because was so big and bright in the sky they named it after there Chief God. ☼If Jupiter was hollow all the other planets would fit in side of it.
☻S☻Sixth planet from the sun. ☻A☻At least 17 moons. ☻I☻It has many rings. ☻2☻29.5 Earth years is in a year ☻1☻10.7 hours is in one day.
☼I☼If you could find a swimming pool big enough Saturn would float. ☼R☼Romans called it the planet Saturn after the old father of Jupiter. ☼I☼It blows in one direction east. ☼S☼Scientist believe Saturn might have a liquid interior and a small inner core.
☻Seventh planet from the sun. ☻At least 17 moons. ☻It has 10 rings. ☻84 Earth years is a year. ☻17 hours are in a day.
☼I☼It was the first to be discovered. ☼S☼Scientist think It has an inner liquid layer surrounding a rocky core. ☼U☼Uranus rotates on its side. ☼L☼Like Jupiter and Saturn Uranus is a gas planet.
☻E☻Eighth planet from the sun. ☻I☻It has 8 moons. ☻I☻It has 4 rings. ☻8☻84 Earth years is in a year. ☻1☻16 hours is in a day.
☼N☼Neptune's rings are made of tiny particles. ☼N☼Neptune was named after a Roman God of the Sea. ☼N☼Neptune is covered in a thick layer of gas. ☼A☼A Neptune year is Earth years long.