{ Greek & Latin Word Parts: Week 5 acerb, cad, fil, helio, reg
acerb, acid, acri (Latin) bitter, sour, sharp
SAT Focus Word: cadaverous (adj.) resembling a body that has fallen dead The cadaverous appearance of the elderly man sitting in his arm chair was startling. cascade (n.) anything that flows or falls in abundance A shimmering cascade of magic shooting stars drifted down over the garden. accident (n.) an unplanned occurrence that befalls a person Others: casual, casualty, decadence, deciduous cad, cas, cid (Latin) to fall; to befall
SAT Focus Word: filament (n.) a very fine thread or threadlike structure If a lamp is not working, check its lightbulb’s filament. filigree (n.) delicate, lacelike ornamental work of intertwined wire of gold, silver, etc. filiform (adj.) threadlike or shaped like threads Tiger beetles have filiform antennae. Others: file, profile fil (Latin) thread
SAT Focus Word: heliograph (n.) a device for transmitting messages by reflecting sunlight The captain of the ship used the heliographic light to signal the people in the sailboat. Helios (n.) ancient Greek god of the sun Sol, the who drove his the. Helios’s Roman counterpart is Sol, the god of the sun, who drove his chariot daily across the sky. heliophobia (n.) an irrational fear of sunlight helio (Greek) sun
SAT Focus Word: rectitude (n.) moral virtue; moral virtue; straightness of character Her rectitude in making business decisions reflects well on our company's reputation. rectilinear (adj.) moving in a straight line or characterized by straight lines regimen (n.) a system of eating and exercising for improving your health An example of a regimen is a daily practice of doing 100 jumping jacks each morning before you go on a three mile run. Others: regiment, rectangular, correct reg, rect (Latin) to rule; straight