1 Revision Main textbooks: Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Michael Pinedo and Xiuli Chao, McGraw Hill, Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Michael Pinedo, Prentice Hall, 1995, or new: Second Addition, 2002
2 1.Introduction (6) Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Chapter 1 or Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Chapter 1 2.Introduction to Scheduling (22) Classification of Scheduling Problems Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Chapters 1 and 2 or Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Chapters 1 and 2
3 3.General Purpose Procedures Applied to Scheduling (a) Dispatching Rules (10) (b) Simulated Annealing (9) (c) Tabu Search (7) (d) Genetic Algorithm (15) (b) - (d) Modern Heuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Problems, (Ed.) C.Reeves 1995, McGraw-Hill. Chapters 2, 3, 4. (a) -(d) Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Chapter 3 or Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Second Addition, Chapter 14
4 4.Graph Colouring Heuristics (11) Graph colouring heuristics based on saturation degree Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Michael Pinedo and Xiuli Chao, McGraw Hill, 2000 Chapter 8.4. or Deterministic Scheduling Theory, Gary Parker, Chapman & Hall, Chapter 6.1.
5 5. University Timetabling (20) Approaches to timetabling problems A Memetic algorithm for exam timetabling "Recent Research Directions in Automated Timetabling", Burke, E.K., Petrovic,S., accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research - EJOR, "A Memetic Algorithm for University Exam Timetabling", Burke, E.K., Newall, J.P., Weare, R.F., 1996b. In: (Eds.) Burke, E., Ross, P. The Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling: Selected Papers from the 1st Int'l Conf. on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, Napier University, August/September 1995, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Vol , pages
6 6.Employee Timetabling (15) Algorithm for single shift schedules Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Michael Pinedo and Xiuli Chao, McGraw Hill, Chapter 9 or "Work Force Size and Single Shift Schedules with Variable Demands”, Burns, R.N., Carter, M.W., Management Science 31, 1985, pages
7 7. Single Machine Deterministic Models (a) Completion Time Models (14) Algorithm for 1 || w j C j Algorithm for 1 | chain | w j C j (b) Lateness Models (18) Algorithm for 1 | prec | h max Branch-and-bound algorithm for 1 | r j | L max (c) Tardiness Models(11) Algorithm for 1 || U j Algorithm for 1 || T j (d) Sequence Dependent Setup Problems (20) Algorithm for 1 | S jk | C max (a)-(d): Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Chapter 3 (d) “Sequencing a One State-Variable Machine: A Solvable Case of the Travelling Salesman Problem” Gilmore, Gomory, Operations Research 12, 1964,
8 8.Project Scheduling (6) Critical Path Method Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Chapter Flow Shop Scheduling (5) Johnson's rule Heuristic Scheduling Systems with Applications to Production Systems and Project Management, Thomas Morton and David Pentico, A Volume in the Wiley Series in Engineering and Technology Management, (Ed.) D.Kocaoglu, 1993, Chapter
9 10.Job Shop Scheduling (27) Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Chapter 5 or Scheduling, Theory, Algorithms, and Systems, Chapter Design of Scheduling Systems (20) Demonstration of the scheduling system LEKIN Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services, Michael Pinedo and Xiuli Chao, McGraw Hill, 2000 Chapter 10 "Knowledge-Based Approaches for Scheduling Problems", Noronha, S.,J., and Sarma, V.V.S., IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 3., pages
Fuzzy Scheduling (29) The basic idea of Fuzzy Rules Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Flowshop Scheduling Problem Fuzzy sets, uncertainty, and information, G. J. Klir and T.A. Folger. Englewood Cliffs, N.J : Prentice Hall, Chapter ? "Flowshop Scheduling with Fuzzy Duedate and Fuzzy Processing Time", by H. Ishibuchi and T. Nurata, in: Scheduling Under Fuzziness, R. Slowinski, and M. Hapke, (eds), Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, 2000, pages or "Genetic algorithms and neighborhood search algorithms for fuzzy flowshop scheduling problems", Ishibuchi, H., Yamamoto, N., Murata, T., Tanaka., H, Fuzzy Sets and Systems Vol. 67, No.1, pages
Solving a Nurse Rostering Problem with Enhanced Tabu Search The basic ideas behind the algorithm for tabu search for nurse rostering. Nurse scheduling with tabu search and strategic oscillation, Dowslend K. European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 106, 1998 pages