MTAC #95 Update FAST for Periodicals November 2, 2006 Washington DC
MTAC #95 2 Progress Pilot of FAST Periodicals appointment process on 10/8 The pilot is design to validate the advance notification process for Periodicals Mailers Refine partial load process Participating Mailers include: Pilot is limited to the New York Metro Area and the San Francisco Plant Brown Printing Company Computerworld Inc. Condé Nast Crain Communications Inc. ESPN Hassett Air Express McGraw-Hill Newsweek Perry Judd’s Quad/Graphics Quebecor World RR Donnelley Time Inc
MTAC #95 3 Progress FAST for Periodicals functionality included: –Recurring Appointment Requests –Joint Periodicals Mail Scheduling –Publication and Mail Owner Visibility Full mail.dat and Web Services support will be rolled out in early 2007 Meeting on 10/31 – reviewed the new IDEAlliance specifications and the mail.dat support process
MTAC #95 4 Field Communications Continued to work specific plants where issues have occurred to ensure that they understand the current policy that Periodicals must be accepted any time the facility is open and staffed FAST is working on a letter to send to the Area Vice-Presidents to the emphasize the policy SOP will be sent along with the letter to the field
MTAC #95 5 Next Steps Assess lessons learned from the Pilot Finalize Design for Periodicals Web Services and Mail.dat support Finalize plan to extend pilot Turn on Periodicals Appointments in Spring 2007