6 th Grade Braves Team Ms Bagley and Ms Reynolds CRCT Parent Night
Georgia Department of Education Website CRCT Study Guides Find Testing on the menu located on the left side of the Georgia Department of Education website. Click on CRCT. Find Student Guides on the menu located on the right side of the webpage. You will see links for Grades 1-5. Click on More and click on the Grade 6 Study Guide. You will see study guides for all content areas.
Georgia Department of Education Website There is a practice quiz of ten questions for each content area. The answers, with explanations, are located after each practice quiz. Georgia Standards On the Georgia Department of Education homepage you can click on the GeorgiaStardards.Org link to view the standards for each subject area.
Huntington Middle School Website school.aspx CRCT study guides for each grade level and each academic area can also be found at the bottom of the Huntington Middle School Website.
CRCT Domains CRCT Reading Domains Literary Comprehension40% Information and Media Literacy45% Reading Skills and Vocabulary Acquisition 15% English/Language Arts Domains Grammar and Sentence Construction60% Research and Writing Process40%
Language Arts Match 14th starts our “testing as a Genre” unit. During this time the students will be taught various test taking strategies that will aid them during the CRCT. In addition we have already commenced our review in class in preparation for the test with the aid of two preparation and practice workbooks; The students have a DGP (Daily Grammar Practice) quiz every Friday. The students will have homework assigned at least one night a week. It is imperative that the students complete their assignments.
CRCT Domains Math CRCT Domains Numbers and Operations15% Measurement20% Geometry20% Algebra30% Data analysis and Probability15%
Math Information Holt Online The online math book can be accessed by using the following web address and generic student information. There are videos for each lesson. This feature will enable you to help your child with his or her homework. There are also practice quizzes for each lesson as well as for each chapter. Generic Student Id: Generic User Name : hms6 Generic Password: password
CRCT Domains Science CRCT Domains Geology40% Hydrology/Meteorology40% Astronomy20% CRCT Online Practice Questions CRCT online practice tests can also be found on the Huntington Middle Website. On the left hand side, choose CRCT and the link will take you to a page that has several CRCT resources, including CRCT practices in addition to test taking skills. The blue link at the top will take you to the CRCT online website. If this does not work, you can go directly to the on-line testing website: Have the student log on with his/her ID and password. Your student’s ID is his/her 10-digit Test ID and the password is password.
CRCT Domains CRCT Social Studies Domains Government/Civics15% Economics25% History29% Geography31% Geography Maps will be an important part of CRCT testing. Students should be familiar with the 4 maps and the political and physical locations for each map.
Homework Hotline You can call Homework Hotline to double check your child’s homework. You may call any of the following numbers: When the main greeting plays, dial the four digit extension 4001.
CRCT Dates April 14th (Monday) Reading April 15th (Tuesday) Language Arts April 16th (Wednesday) Math April 17th (Thursday) Science April 18th (Friday) Social Studies