Report on ISO/TC215 WG02 Makoto Suzuki JIRA 2008/Sep/05 Munich, Germany
ISO TC215 WG /JAN/18 San Antonio, TX, USA 2008/JUN/29 Goteborg, Sweden 2008/OCT/12 Istanbul, Turkey
ISO-DICOM Joint Meeting WG02 1)Web Services in DICOM ( WADO+ ) WADO is a standard (17432:2004) now. Extended features were explained by Cor Loef - Notification of new DICOM objects - Query by Pat.ID How to handle this was Discussed. - Is this a new standard / WADO extension? - New WADO+ will be proposed as NWIP at next meeting.
ISO-DICOM Joint Meeting WG02 2) IHE integration profiles Revised Part 2 was introduced by Charles Parisot. after a long discussion,,,, The final document was registered as N0605, and will be forwarded to DTR ballot. p.s. He has two more home works to submit…
3) HL7 Ver 2.5 Registered as ISO DIS ballot has recently finished. Result / Comment list will be available at next meeting. ISO-DICOM Joint Meeting WG02
From official Minutes 1)WG 2 agreed to note the results of the systematic review of ISO 17432:2004 (“WADO”) and approved the continuation of the standard without change. 2)WG 2 agreed to accept the New Work Item Proposal (Form 4) on “Clinical Genomics - Pedigree Project” and requests TC 215 to issue this, together with the covering document, for ballot. 3)WG 2 agreed that document N0605 “IHE Global Standards Adoption - Part 2: Integration and Content Profiles” be accepted as the draft for ballot, and requests TC 215 to issue the ballot in the immediate future.