An examination of students' participation in sport and a comparison of their career readiness and employability Patrick Craig – Sports Development Manager Andrew Lockwood – Professional Development Manager
Impact of sport on graduate employability study (2013): -Increase of £5,824 (18%) vs non-sporting counterparts -£32,552 vs £26, % vs 27% experiencing periods of unemployment -51% of graduates attribute sport to enhanced teamwork and leadership qualities “One of the early activities of the research was secondary data analysis of the Secondary analysis of the data from the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey, BUCS League Tables with universities which have an explicit sport strategy. This was to test the notion that graduates from universities that are committed to sport do better in getting their first job. The headline results, however, showed little correlation between the DHLE survey and performance in the BUCS tables”
The University of Leeds Approach: -A key strategic objective, not a by-product of existing programmes -Development of strong working relationship with Student Education Service -Use of robust data sets (Careers Readiness and DLHE) to demonstrate impact -Introduction of a new portfolio of programmes to address our strategic objectives
The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey asks leavers from higher education what they are doing six months after graduation. About three quarters of leavers complete the survey. The survey focuses on two specific areas; Graduate Prospects : The percentage of graduates in graduate level employment or further study as a proportion of those who were 'Available for employment’ Positive Outcomes : The percentage of graduates in employment or further study as a proportion of those who were 'Available for employment'. University of Leeds asks every new or continuing student to indicate their current level of career thinking and their existing level of work experience as part of their registration. This provides a non DLHE measure of employability progress and an evidence-base for planning and evaluating work in all schools and faculties. Students are then grouped into four different categories; Plan, Decide, Compete and Other. Decide: The student in still deciding on their career path, seeking general advice And guidance. Plan: The student is aware of the career path they wish to pursue and are taking steps to prepare themselves e.g. seeking/gaining work experience Compete: The student is actively competing for employment in their chosen field, seeking advice on applications/CVs etc. Other: The student may already in employment and does not require advice/guidance. University of Leeds – Employability Measures Career ReadinessDLHE
University of Leeds – Employability Measure – Career Readiness
University of Leeds – Employability Measure - DLHE
Next steps: -Introducing a robust monitoring system -Implementation of key interventions e.g. Emerging Leaders, Sports Leadership Academy -Introducing an element of competition -Collaborative / cross departmental work e.g. Careers, Student Education Service, -Support our students to understand and articulate the skills developed
Questions? Patrick Craig – Andy Lockwood