Appearance 12x12 feet tall Is a shrub Leaves are dark green in the summer and maroon in the fall Flowers are white Fruit is bright red or orange and persists through the winter Fall color Summer color
Climate Grows in groups often in moist areas and wet areas Is best in moist and slightly acidic soils Hard to grow in sandy soils Needs full sun or part sun
Reproducing Is a cross pollinating plant It needs two or more varieties planted to produce fruit Is native to much of Canada Space 2 to 2.5 meters apart for maximum yield and ease of harvest A minimum of 4 meters is recommended between rows
Uses The fruit can be eaten raw or cooked into a sauce Juice from the berries can be used medically to treat high blood pressure and urinary tract infections The bark is a powerful anti spasmodic used to treat muscle cramps.
Diseases and control Bacterial Lead spot: water soaked spots on leafs, small cankers on young stems control: prune below infected stems and remove and burn all infected materials, Sterilize pruning equipment between with 10% bleach solution to avoid spreading bacteria
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