Hello Professor Ho! You look very good in your casual outfits.. Hello, Mr. Num. You are still here in the classroom. Aren’t you bored of me? Dr. Ho, would you mind if I asked you a few more questions? Well, I just went back to my condo and changed my clothes.
I’d like to learn more about titles and qualifications.. That’s simple. As for titles, a male applicant should use Mr. A female applicant uses Mrs. if she is married or Miss if she is not. Some women do not want to reveal their marital status, so they use Ms. instead. As for qualifications, the most important thing is your degree.
Let me give you a quiz!. Duangjai has decided to apply for a nurse position at Maha Sarakham Hospital. What degree is likely to be required for the position? It must be a Bachelor of Nursing. Am I right?. That’s right!
. How about this one?Thongsa would be very happy if he were accepted to teach at Phadung Naree School in Maha Sarakham. That’s right!
. Here’s another one!The economy is growing rapidly. So Thani has a very good opportunity to get a job as construction controller. That’s correct!
Could you please talk about Present Employment? What does it tell the new employer about? Why does the new employer need to know all about these?
This part provides the employer with essential information on the applicant’s current work. The employer will get more information on the applicant’s: -current position -working department -date appointed -present status -main responsibilities
The information will be very beneficial for the employer’s decision making. In other words, it will make it easier for him or her to make a proper decision about offering the applicant the job.
Would you like to answer more questions? What aspect of present employment does each of the applicants talk about?.
. Ready? I’ve been working as an accounting manager at BAA since I graduated with an MBA from Michigan State University in That’s right!
. Here’s another one! I’m now a full time marketing officer at BAA. That’s correct!
. How about this one?I’ve been assigned to supervise salesagents, making sure they get the right concepts about our merchandise. That’s right!
. One more to go! My contract ends in October, That’s correct!
Thank you so much Professor Ho. You are my best professor. I really appreciate your help.