Alan De Salvio Supervising Air Quality Engineer
Re-adopted road paving ERC rule with EIR - success Vehicle buyback, lawnmower replacement (including cash for grass with water agencies), electric vehicle charging, plus other competitive grant programs thriving Transforming Title V (in response to federal audit) and developing delegatable PSD program Significant regional solar development continues (small and large) Ozone amplitude and exposure continues to decline, minor improvement in particulate
Amendment to 1160 – Internal Combustion Engines to address presumptive Federal RACT District-wide down to 50 hp Boilers and Cement Kilns will be next We expect 70 ppmv eight hour standard (or lower) as next federal standard – trying to keep ahead of the curve
Strong community outreach and education effort, including support of Mojave Environmental Education Consortium (MEEC), science fairs, poster contest, solar cook-off, Exemplar awards, health advisories (high winds and wildfires) Governing Board and Hearing Board turnover Continue to make progress on carbon-neutral building (pv solar on roof and charging stations)