ROBIN TAPPY PHYSICAL THERAPIST Doctor of Physical Therapy Four year degree – Bachelors Degree in Biology Attended Duke for three year professional school (PT school) Works at Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates in Charlotte, NC This is an out-patient clinic, meaning the patients seek out physical therapy.
ABOUT BEING A PT Work a 40 hour work week See about 14 patients each day The care for each patient is dictated by the diagnosis Sees a variety of patients with various needs Other places where PTs can work include: Schools Hospitals Nursing homes Rehabilitation Facilities
FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT BEING A PT Get to see a lot of variety within one workday Constantly moving around, on your feet Fun to work with people and to help them make their lives better The job is very rewarding
LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT BEING A PT Dealing with insurance companies Must have a set plan of care Must have proper documentation
ADVICE FOR SOMEONE ASPIRING TO BE A PT “Get out there, shadow, investigate different areas. See if it something that you would enjoy. School is challenging, but the profession is very fun and very, very rewarding.”