1 Livestock Outlook Gary Brester MSU Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics Agriculture Outlook 2008: Farm Bill, Wind Energy & Climate Change November 14, 2008 Bozeman, MT
2 OUTLINE 1.Cattle Production/Prices 2. Trade Situation 3. Domestic Demand 4.Cattle Outlook
3 OUTLINE 1.Cattle Production/Prices 2. Trade Situation 3. Domestic Demand 4.Cattle Outlook
4 “US Beef Production” vs. Cattle Inventory (January 1) Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center
5 Productivity of U.S. Beef Cow Breeding Herd Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center
6 Nominal Fed And Feeder Cattle Prices Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center
7 Real Fed And Feeder Cattle Prices Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & Economic Report of the President (2000=100)
8 Productivity of U.S. Beef Cow Breeding Herd Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center
9 OUTLINE 1.Cattle Production/Prices 2. Trade Situation 3. Domestic Demand 4.Cattle Outlook
10 U.S. Beef, Veal and Live Animal Imports Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center
11 Beef and Beef From Live Cattle Imports as a Percentage of U.S. Supply Percent Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center *CUSTA **NAFTA
12 U.S. Beef, Veal and Live Animal Exports Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center *CUSTA **NAFTA
13 U.S. Beef/Live Animal Exports As A Percentage of U.S. Beef Supply Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center *CUSTA **NAFTA
14 Value of U.S. Beef, Veal and Live Animal, By-Product Net Imports/Exports Source: Livestock Marketing Information Center & MSU Agricultural Marketing Policy Center *CUSTA **NAFTA
15 OUTLINE 1.Cattle Production/Prices 2. Trade Situation 3. Domestic Demand 4.Cattle Outlook
16 Demand for Fed Cattle U.S. Fed Steer Price vs. U.S. Beef Supply Price ($/cwt) Beef Supply (billion lbs) ?
17 Demand for Fed Cattle U.S. Fed Steer Price vs. U.S. Beef Supply Price ($/cwt) Beef Supply (billion lbs) ? ?
18 U.S. Demand for Beef Source: James Mintert, Kansas State University Choice Retail Beef Demand Index (1980=100) Index Value
19 U.S. Demand for Beef Source: James Mintert, Kansas State University Annual Percentage Change in Beef Demand Beef Demand Change (%)
20 OUTLINE 1.Cattle Production/Prices 2. Trade Situation 3. Domestic Demand 4.Cattle Outlook
21 Cattle And Corn Prices Sources: LMIC and NASS
22 Impact Of Corn Prices On Cattle Prices 1. Price correlation between a.Corn and fed steers is A 10% decrease in corn price a.Decrease fed cattle price by 0.6% Increased fed cattle weights b.Increases feeder cattle prices by 2%
23 Impact Of Fed Cattle Prices On Feeder Cattle Prices 1.The major factor in feeder cattle prices is fed cattle price a. Correlation of 0.83 b.Fed cattle price declines by 1%, feeder cattle decline by 1.5% c.A $10/cwt decline in fed cattle reduces feeder cattle by about $15/cwt
Cattle Prices 1.U.S. beef production is forecast to be level in 2008/2009 a. Cattle numbers remain low 2.Economic conditions important 3. Domestic demand likely to decline 4. International markets? 5. April 2010 fed cattle trading at $0.91/lb 6.September 09 futures $1.02/lb a.Suggests $1.06/lb for MT calves
25 QUESTIONS? Picture Courtesy of Clint Peck