EFA/FTI - Moldova Early Childhood Development and Early Childhood Education
Selected Country Information Population: 4.2 million Annual Population Growth: -0.3% Poverty Rate: 29.0 vs 19.7 (ECA region) GDP per capita (US $2000 prices): $ (2004) vs $2, (ECA region) Net Enrollment ratio: Primary level 1990: 88.8% 2004: 86.2% Social consensus on the importance of ECE – historical basis and civil society
Education and Early Development Program of Moldova To increase the rate of participation in preschool program – 75% (3-6 yr. old) and 100% (6-7 yr. olds) by 2008 and reduce differentials to 5% between locations and social groups To increase access by 10% annually for children in difficult situations to quality preschool education To improve the quality of early care and early education To improve the system of providing ECD and training to adult care givers To consolidate social partnerships and community involvement
Estimated ECD Program Cost Total Cost: US$72 million (internal and external sources) EFA/FTI Grant: $13 million 1 st tranche: $4.4 million 2 nd tranche: $4.4 million Financing Gap: $ 4.2 million
Challenges of Implementing EDI in Moldova Importance of Government Ownership of the process Champions in the Ministry of Education and Youth: minister and deputy minister Cooperative Partnerships World Bank involvement as administrator UNICEF as coordinator of the EFA/FTI ISSA/Step By Step ground presence Offord Centre for Child Studies
Processes and Steps Taken 1. Buy-in of the Ministry and partners of the M & E principles 2. Funding and technical support 1. Trust funds and others 2. Sampling design 3. Adapting the EDI tool to be country specific 4. Pilot testing the instrument 3. Capacity Building in-country 1. Local institution or team 2. External technical support
Long-term Challenges in Implementing EDI in Moldova 1. Sustainability Longitudinal studies beyond the baseline 2. Evaluation Capacity for Monitoring Evaluating and Monitoring what? Outside the Ministry structure? 3. Funding and Resource Requirements Availability of funds to sustain the work 4. Policy and Program Input for Evidence- based Public Policy Decisions Political consideration and “fear of failure”