Campus 2020 and the Future of Post-secondary Education in British Columbia UBC Robson Square June 4, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Campus 2020 and the Future of Post-secondary Education in British Columbia UBC Robson Square June 4, 2007

Introduction Dr. André Elias Mazawi

Dr. Moura Quayle Deputy Minister of Advanced Education

The CHET Report: Critical Perspectives Dr. Amy Scott Metcalfe

Macdonald Report 1962 Plant Report 2007 Elite system Binary system Clear institutional mandate Distinct provincial design Universal system Diversified/stratified Blurred mandate Lack of provincial design Individual and regional aspiration Knowledge economy Academic drift Historical Context of the Campus 2020 Report

ParticipationProvincial Budget Sources of PSE Revenues Acad. Year % Participation of Age-Group in PSE % Share of Advanced Education from Total Government Budget % Share of Provincial Funding out of Total Revenues % Share of Own Sources out of Total Revenues Thereof: % Share from Student Fees out of Own Sources 1988/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Higher Education Presidents’ Council Higher Education Board Ministry of Advanced Education Five Regional Learning Councils Research Universities Regional Universities Colleges and Institutes

BC Access and Excellence Strategy Access to what? Access for whom? How will excellence be determined? Who will set the criteria?

Aboriginal Education Campus 2020 missed an opportunity to: develop regional strategies to guide post-secondary education policy and program initiatives; support a holistic approach to social policy to improve Aboriginal well-being; integrate culturally relevant education and recognize community-based knowledge; support the capacity needs of Aboriginal communities; fund Aboriginal controlled post-secondary institutions; provide grant funding for Aboriginal students; develop a prioritized agenda to focus research; and identify and monitor institutional performance indicators.

Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning Campus 2020 calls for vocational training to be a part of, rather than an alternative to post-secondary education Adult learning is not well-discussed –a broad representation across ministries is in order to formulate a strategy for adult learning in BC

Opportunities and Challenges Posed by the Campus 2020 Report Moderated by Dr. Kjell Rubenson Dr. Donald Fisher

Responses to Campus 2020 Introductions by Madeleine MacIvor Professor Stephen Toope President and Vice-Chancellor, UBC Susan Whitter President, Douglas College Robert Buchan VP External, University College of the Fraser Valley Jeff Friedrich President, Alma Mater Society, UBC

Implementation: Closing the Gap between Rhetoric and Practice Moderated by Dr. Donald Fisher Dr. Kjell Rubenson

Closing Remarks Dr. André Elias Mazawi