Dr: Amir El-Fiky.
An emotion is, at the physiological level, a disruption in homeostatic baselines. There are changes in heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. These are fluctuations in arousal. At the psychological level, these physiological changes are experienced as either greater excitement or increased calmness. Human beings also experience these changes as either pleasant or unpleasant.
There are two basic psychological dimensions to emotions: excitement-calm and pleasant- unpleasant. The two dimensions of emotions generate four categories of emotions: (1) excitement-pleasant. (2) excitement-unpleasant. (3) calm-pleasant. (4) calm-unpleasant.
Pleasan t Unpleasa nt Excitement Calm Calm-Pleasant Calm- Unpleasant Excitement- Pleasant Excitement - Unpleasant
The cognitive aspect of emotions. The physiological aspect of emotions. The behavioral aspect of emotions.
The James-Lange theory: Proposes that emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events. The Cannon-Bard theory: also known as the thalamic theory It recognizes that the brain’s thalamus is a relay station. This means that we become conscious of the cause of an emotion at the same time that our body is preparing to deal with it by making changes in physiological arousal.
● The cognitive appraisal theory: also known as the labeling-of-arousal hypothesis: States that a person’s self-labeling of a state of arousal converts that state into a specific emotion.
A formal distinction is made between a stressor and stress. A stressor refers to the source, or cause, of stress. Stress refers to wear and tear on the body. Chronic stress takes a toll. The body loses some of its resilience, its ability to bounce back.
A pattern that describes how an organism responds under conditions that induce chronic stress. There are three stages in the general adaptation syndrome: (1) The alarm reaction. (2) the stage of resistance. (3) the stage of exhaustion.
Life change units (LCUs) refers to stressors arising from events in a person’s life that require adaptation. They developed a measuring device called the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). ASSIGNMENT
The Type A behavior pattern is characterized by hostility and impatience. individuals who display this pattern are more prone than people in general to heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. The contrasting pattern is called the Type B behavior pattern, and it is characterized by an absence of general hostility and a willingness to allow events to take place at their own rate.
Conflict is an important source of stress. Psychological conflict exists when we are forced to make difficult choices in life. there are four basic ways to categorize conflict situations: (1) The approach-approach conflict. (2) The avoidance-avoidance conflict. (3) The approach-avoidance conflict. (4) The double approach-avoidance conflict.