Sun Notes. Characteristics CLOSEST star to earth CLOSEST star to earth The bright star in the center is Proxima Centauri.


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Presentation transcript:

Sun Notes

Characteristics CLOSEST star to earth CLOSEST star to earth The bright star in the center is Proxima Centauri.

 CENTER Of our solar system  CENTER Of our solar system Characteristics

 No solid surface  No solid surface Characteristics

High temperature…..27 million  F High temperature…..27 million  FCharacteristics

Energy releaser… Energy releaser… Characteristics

It takes 8 1/2 minutes for light to reach earth from the sun. It takes 8 1/2 minutes for light to reach earth from the sun. Characteristics

The Structure of the Sun: pg 68 Core Core Radiative zone Radiative zone Convection zone Convection zone Photosphere Photosphere Chromosphere Chromosphere Corona Corona

Inner Zone Core center, NUCLEAR FUSION occurs here center, NUCLEAR FUSION occurs here Intense, high temperature; Intense, high temperature; High pressure High pressure

Radiative zone energy moves by RADIATING OUTWARD from core to convective zone energy moves by RADIATING OUTWARD from core to convective zone Inner Zone

Convective zone energy transferred by CONVECTION energy transferred by CONVECTION warmer gasses RISE warmer gasses RISE cooler gasses SINK cooler gasses SINK Inner Zone

Photosphere –gives off VISIBLE light Photosphere –gives off VISIBLE light Atmosphere

Atmosphere Chromosphere –high activity of solar flares Chromosphere –high activity of solar flares

Corona outer most layer; Blends into space outer most layer; Blends into space charged particles that escape corona create GLOWING HALO charged particles that escape corona create GLOWING HALO (only seen during an eclipse) (only seen during an eclipse) Atmosphere

Physical Features: Sunspots Occur in PAIRS Occur in PAIRS

Dark in color due to COOLER TEMPERATURES Dark in color due to COOLER TEMPERATURES Physical Features:

11 Year cycle (observed by GALILEO) 11 Year cycle (observed by GALILEO) Physical Features:

Caused by powerful MAGNETIC FIELDS Caused by powerful MAGNETIC FIELDS Physical Features:

Solar Flares Violent EXPULSIONS of gas Violent EXPULSIONS of gas Occur when sunspots move CLOSE together Occur when sunspots move CLOSE together CREATE Solar winds CREATE Solar winds Physical Features:

Solar Winds Solar Winds CHARGED particles ejected from SUN CHARGED particles ejected from SUN Flow from CORE towards edge of solar system Flow from CORE towards edge of solar system Physical Features:

Solar Prominences LOOPED ejection of gas LOOPED ejection of gas Occur when sunspots move towards each other, but don’t meet Occur when sunspots move towards each other, but don’t meet Physical Features: