Compassionate Honesty Quality Forum 2015 Dr Peter Edmunds
Its not surprising people are afraid of dying. Receiving healthcare can be very dangerous in the last year of your life.
BC deaths Actual Projected BC Vital stats
VCH Location of death: 44% Acute Care 26% Res Care 14% Home 15 % Hospice (70% want to die at home)
Symptom burden Cancer = others
10 10x Without palliative care:
11 Nobody Without palliative care:
1300 deaths per year weeks weeks
17 70%
59% fewer ER visits
6077 days
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Less pain is better than more pain
You are more likely to choose the most beneficial treatment if you have accurate and complete information
Fewer ED visits and days in hospital are better than more
Dying in ED is to be avoided if at all possible
ED Community Acute Care
In a complex world… One size never fits all What works here, may not work there Local conditions matter... “This is how we do it here” Bottom up leadership works M. Gardam UHN “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”
Photo by Taylor.McBride™ - Creative Commons Attribution License with Haiku Deck
Photo by Simon Daniel Photography - Creative Commons Attribution License with Haiku Deck