New Policy Developments Overview from DG Environment Robert Kaukewitsch European Commission, DG Environment Sustainable Production and Consumption Working party on “Environmental Accounts” 29 March 2011
Policy context Europe 2020 Sustainable, smart and inclusive growth Flagship initiative on Resource-efficient Europe From 2012 on: Monitoring progress on resource efficiency International context (Rio+20, UNEP, OECD) Post 2010 biodiversity policy EU Communication and Action Plan Nagoya conference
GDP and beyond Discussion in EP: The 2 nd draft opinion of EP ENVI Committee, discussed on 17 March, is more concise and supporting to the Commission's approach, however EPP is still pointing to the fact that GDP should stay in the centre Ongoing study on the environmental composite index to fill data gaps on some existing indicators and collect data for new indicators SD scoreboard: DG ENV launched a study, which ended in 2010 which results are not fully satisfactory (not many new indicators compared to SDI. DG ENV is internally reflecting on the follow-up.
Green growth / resource indicators / biodiversity indicators Europe 2020 Agreed targets / guidelines iGrow Green Task Force on resource efficiency (roadmap, indicators and targets) OECD green growth indicators EU Sustainable Development Strategy EU SD indicator Biodiversity policy SEBI 2010 (Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators) Important knowledge gaps !
How to close the knowledge gaps Resource efficiency indicators Ongoing work in DG ENV, in cooperation with Eurostat Environmental goods and services sector Eurostat (guidelines and first data collection) Green public procurement Eurostat? Eco-innovations Eco-Innovation Observatory ( Natural capital and ecosystems services EEA work, in the framework of World Bank initiative “New Global Partnership for Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services Valuation and Wealth Accounting”
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