General Comment As with GDBs the creation and editing of feature data can be complex Much more complex than is described in the on-line course But as before we want to…
So… Concentrate on how to create point, Line and Area data And how to do simple editing –Of features –Of Attributes (but lots of that can be done in the table itself)
Creating data Open ArcCatalog Make a new folder (usually) Make New Shapefile –Point –Line –Area (Poly) Define or Import Spatial data
Open ArcMap Get the new layers in a map If the edit tool bar is not there then open it with the button Basic drawing tool Basic selection tool Most common mistake
Points Start editing Make sure “target” is points and task is “Create New Feature” Select pencil tool and click on each building to mark with a point. Double click when done Zoom in to points on building to make sure the point is in the center of the building
If it is not… Change Task to “Modify feature” Use Selection tool to select errant point Drag to better position Go to next When done either –Stop editing or –Save edits
Lines Edit road shapefile – add roads BUT! You want the roads to “snap” together where they meet (intersection) Editor drop down Snapping Set lines for Vertex, Edge, and End Close it Now draw roads – note digitize point jumps when you get near another road. Snapped!
Polygons Same deal as before Set snapping for Vertex and edge Draw the polys Snapped together? Modify feature (right click to add vertex) And so on.