Malachi The Day of the Lord Malachi 3:16 – 4:6
Review Malachi reviews the spiritual state of Israel –God explains why many blessings promised for returning Israel had not been fulfilled They did not honor God They did not worship God with their whole heart They did not fear God They did not repent They broke their covenant with the Lord They broke their covenant with their spouses They weren’t pure They robbed God of His due offerings They accused God of injustice –We left off saying God would explain His justice
God’s justice Malachi 3:16-18 –Not all Israel were guilty before God Some heard what God said and discussed it among themselves –They understood that God was right –God notes those who admitted their sins (and repented) –When God judges, He will save those who feared Him and obeyed Him Fearing God = serving God = righteousness Not fearing God = not serving Him = wickedness
God’s justice They had accused God of injustice - the wicked seemed to have a better life (Mal 3:14-15) –God explains that He is keeping record Rev 20:11-15 –One day the records will be opened and each will get what he deserves –The righteous will be as jewels, precious before God and with Him always –The wicked will be punished You can’t fairly view the justice of God unless you can view the end or you wait until the end
Lesson The lesson still fits for us today –Some choose to live wickedly They see it as more profitable or advantageous God’s justice seems far away or they pretend it doesn’t exist –Some even claim God can’t exist since they can’t see justice –God is just and is keeping track of wickedness He also notes those who fear Him and serve Him Justice will be found on that day when He gives to each what He deserves (2 Cor 5:9-10)
The day of the Lord We have several times looked at how the prophets looked at “the day of the Lord” –Always a day of judgment Sometimes against heathen nations Sometimes against Israel and Judah Sometimes the final judgment of all mankind Sometimes the coming of the Messiah (when Israel will be judged a final time) Mal 4 picks up with the day of judgment spoken of in Mal 3 –We won’t learn which final judgment (Israel’s or all mankind’s) until the very end of chp 4 –But the points made would be the same for both
For the wicked Mal 4:1 –The day of judgment is a day without hope for the wicked There will be no last minute clemency or pardon They will have as much chance as dried stubble being tossed into a burning oven
For the righteous Mal 4:2-3 –For those who fear God (as He deserves – Mal 2:17) It will be like a new day beginning All the old hurts will be healed All that is needed for a good life will be provided And the wicked will have no part in it –Again the justice of God is seen in how things balance out in the end Now considering the end, how ought people to live?
Remember Mal 4:4 –Remember the law with its commands and statutes –Peter makes the same points about people forgetting the justice of God 2 Pet 3:1-15 –Since God will judge, we ought to be holy, godly, spotless, blameless, etc while awaiting that day of judgment
Elijah Mal 4:5-6 –Before the coming of the day of the Lord, Elijah will come One last opportunity to repent (Since Mal 4:1 just said there would be no opportunity to repent once judgment begins) –The disciples asked about this after the transfiguration Matt 17:9-13 –They learn it had already been fulfilled –Israel’s last chance to repent had come and gone –Jesus had even tried to warn them while John was alive (Matt 11:7-15) »Now Israel would face its final judgment –And we all now must wait for the final judgment Repentance remains possible until death or that judgment begins
Conclusion Let’s learn the lesson most of Israel missed –God wants people to repent and be saved –Don’t assume life will always continue as it has before –Judgment is certain It will be based on what we do here God is watching and knows who fears Him and serves Him –The rest will be cast into fire Where will you be found on the judgment day?