Taras Shevchenko’s life and creative way
Мета уроку Today we’ll talk about life and works of the Ukrainian poet T.G. Shevchenko, you’ll hear some poems written by T.G. Shevchenko and another useful information. I hope that after this lesson you can tell your friends from another countries about the great Ukrainian poet and be proud of our talented people.
1. Where do the books live at school? 2. Do you like to go to the library? 3. What genres of books are there in our school library? 4. What kind of books for studying can you find in the library? 5. What kind of books do you prefer to read? 6. Do you like to read books by the Ukrainian writers? 7. Who is the most well-known Ukrainian poet all over the world? Answer the questions:
Taras Shevchenko- -the Great Ukrainian Poet,Painter and Martyr
A brilliant Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Gryhorovych Shevchenko was born on March 9,1814 in the village of Moryntsi
His parents were serfs and lived in bitter porerty ; both died before Taras was 11 years old.
The boy had a special talent for drawing
At the age of 14 he became « a houseboy », the house of his owner, P.Engelhardt, who noticed Shevchenko’s artistic talent.
P.Engelhardt apprenticed Taras to the painter V.V. Shyriayev for 4 years
At that time he met the Russian painter K.Bryulov
K.Bryulov painted the portrait of the Russian poet V.Zhukovsky and sold it for 2500 roubles. The money was used to buy Shevchenko’s freedom from P.Engelhardt in 1838
Shevchenko was admitted to St. Peterstburg Academy of Arts where he studied.
T.Shevchenko’s literary activity began in In 1840 he published his first collection of poems « Kobzar »
In 1845 he wrote his famous program verse « Testament » which was translated in different languages.
T.Shevchenko had lived difficult but active and fruitful life and died in St.Petersburg on March 10, He was buried in the Chernecha Hill near Kaniv, inUkraine.
Taras Shevchenko has an important place in the Ukrainian history. He was the founder of the new Ukrainian literature.
The poem of T.G.Shevchenko “Kobzar” (translated by John Weir, 1961)
The poem by G.T.Shevchenko “ Beside the house, the cherry’s flowering…” (translated by V. Rich, 1961)
The poem byT.G.Shevchenko “Testament”
Keys: 1) F, 2) T, 3) T, 4) T, 5) F, 6) T
1)When was T.G. Shevchenko born? а)May 9,1814; b) March 9,1814; c) March 10, 1841; 2)How old was T. Shevchenko when he became orphaned? а)10; b) 8; c) 11; 3)Who helped T. Shevchenko buy his freedom from P. Engelhardt? а)K.Bryulow; b) P. Engelhardt; c) V.V.Shyriayev; 4)T.G. Shevchenko studied at…. а)Industrial Institute; b) St.Petersburg Academy of Arts; c) musical school; 5)Which poem of T.G. Shevchenko was translated into English by your classmates? а)«І виріс я на чужині»; b)«Наймичка»; c)«Думи мої, думи мої». 1)b;2)c;3)a;4)b;5)c.