By Paul Buckley
In the depths of the darkest ocean, Floating like it is in outer space, waits a creature, that terrifies, as only it can. A creature whose size would make King Kong run for his mommy, And give Godzilla, the Monster king himself, a run for his money. Encased in the shape of an enormous pitch-black whale, It’s glowing red eyes of doom; only few have lived to tell the tale. It seems encased in an exoskeleton made of darkness, No other creature can bear a likeness. Sailors report that their cargo ships are destroyed by a column of water that makes a hole, For this comes from the creature’s blowhole. All the stories always end the same, With the survivor saying the monstrosity’s name…
Poem by Paul Buckley Music by John Rutter, “Requiem aeternam” from Requiem; Cambridge Singers 2010