Mitosis/Meiosis Review Quiz
1. Each human sex cell has a total of ____ chromosomes.
2. Most of the life of any cell is spent in a period of cell growth and development called: a. Interphase b. Metaphase c. Prophase d. Telophase
3. At the end of meiosis, _____ sex cells are produced.
4. What are the four steps or phases of mitosis in order? a. b. c. d.
5. A fruit fly has 4 chromosomes in its sex cell. How many chromosomes are in the body cell?
6. The control center of the cell that contains the DNA is the __________.
7. What type of twins are formed when one egg is fertilized by one sperm and the zygote splits? Fraternal or Identical
8. In sexual reproduction, what fraction of genes does each parent contribute to the offspring? ¼ or ½
9. Cytokinesis is the splitting of _____.
10. If a Y sex cell fertilizes an X sex cell, what is the sex of the offspring?
Mitosis or Meiosis 11. body cell reproduction 12. formation of sperm cells 13. forms diploid cells 14. baby growing into a toddler 15. forms haploid cells
16. An amoeba reproducing by asexual reproduction (splitting in half) is called ___________.
17. Name a type of cell that would not undergo mitosis once mature.
18. DNA is composed of four nitrogen bases. A- ? C- ?
19. What determines the sex of the baby? Sperm or egg
20. Any permanent change in genetic material of the cell is called a __________________. This could be inherited or caused by environmental factors.