Forest fires 2010 season in Romania l Ministry of Environment and Forests l Bucharest, Romania *Septimius Mara, The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bucharest *
A.2009 METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ROMÂNIA In România, during the spring of 2010 was recorded a small deficit in the Eastern part o the country (Fig). Extreme severe drought years in Romania during the 20th century: Decade : Decade : Decade : , Decade : Decade : , , Decade : Decade : , Decade : , Decade : , , Decade : , Extreme severe drought years in Romania during the 21st century: Decade : , , , ,
4 Fig. Water soil reserve in May 2010 in the depth layer of cm
5 Fig. The deviation of the monthly average temperature in May 2010 comparing with the multiannual average temperature ( ).
6 Fig.. The deviation of the total monthly precipitations in May 2010 comparing with the multiannual average values ( ).
7 B FOREST FIRE SEASON IN ROMANIA l Because of the relatively increased precipitation values, the year 2010 could be considered as a whole normal compared with other previous years, when was recorded not so frequent precipitation and increased soil humidity deficits. l Therefore, the climatologically and hydrological conditions in 2010 led to a reduced number of forest fires and burnt surface all over Romania (as seen in the figures), lower than previous year.
The economical losses due to forest fires aren’t very high, because the population and the authorities intervene for extinguishing the forest fires in early phase. The low economical losses are also determinated by the geographic condition from our country, but also by the forests composition. The economical losses assessed are relatively small because the damages are calculated only for substitution forest value and timber values, and also because young forests were most affected by fires.
11 Causes of the forest fires in Romania l During 2010, the major causes of forest fires, as in the recent years was represented by the agricultural practices of the people from the rural area, represented by the cleaning of the fields by uncontrolled ignition of the dried plant wastes.
12 Acknowledgements l We thank to ROMSILVA for the updated inventory of the forest fires during
13 Forest fire situation in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve in Romania – how to enhance protection of the world largest reed exploitable area ( ha). l Ministry of Environment and Forests l Bucharest, Romania *Septimius Mara, The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bucharest
Danube Biosphere Reserve (Ua) Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (Ro) Danube Delta topography
15 LAND DISTRIBUTION - OWNERSHIP l TOTAL SURFACE OF DDBR: 580,000 ha Continental: 439,508 ha Marine: 140,492 ha l OWNERSHIP State property – land and water bodies (public domain): 95% National: 77.8% District: 13.1% Local: 4.1% l Private property (land): 5%
LAND USE Total area : 5,800 km² Restoration areas: km² Agriculture: km² Fishculture: km² Silviculture: km² POLDERS: 1, km² NATURAL AREAS: 4, km² TULCEA Ukraine
vulnerable area 5,380 species including: l Flora: 1,839 sp. l Fauna: 3,541 sp. 3 rd place in the world as scientific importance after Great Coral Barrier (Australia) and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador)
18 Fig. Uncontrolled burnt of the surface vegetation could lead to frequent fauna mortalities ( more than 100 turtles found burnt following a fire event in Danube Delta - specees Testudo graeca and Emyis orbicularis, due their lower mobility for avoiding the fires during cooler nights)
19 Fig. Reed harvesting involves local tradition
20 Danube Delta areas of reed resources annually leased for harvesting: l Perimeter total surface: ha, Exploitable surface: 21254,4 ha; l Harvested surface during : 2949 ha; l Harvested quantity (allocated share) during =30542,33 tons l Harvested quantity during the season : 4572 tons l Harvest potential evaluated ton/ha during = 1,43 l Harvested potential accomplished ton/ha during = 1,55 l Annual harvesting interval is during
21 Fig. Reed depositing involves local tradition
22 Danube Delta potential of reed resources leased for harvesting: l Almost 80% of the harvested reed is exported outside of the country (the most efficient natural thermo proof material); l exported reed/ton price is around 50 Euros. l The royalty value for reed is around: 5 euro/ton, - for bulrush is around: 1 euro/ton l 2 millions of euro are forecasted to be invested by the leasing companies in the next years in order to assure the reed protection resource and additional investments for easing the harvesting activity and transportation.
28 Fig. Local tradition for sustainable use of reed product
24 Obligation of the leaser of the reed areas of Danube Delta l The reed depositing areas which are generally located in the center of the harvesting area are isolated by reed stepping by patting. l The plowing works are forbidden, by the leasing contract, and no other changes of the natural situation by cutting the trees and the surrounding vegetation from the harvesting area.
25 Fig. Reed transportation involves local tradition
26 Obligation of the leaser of the reed area of Danube Delta According to the leasing contract of the reed resources, the guarding and the protection of the reed area are under the following responsibilities: l The leaser will assure the guarding and the protection of the reed area, and will announce ARBDD about all the negative effects observed in the area. l ARBDD will assure the freewill of decision of the leaser regarding the exploitation of the reed leased area.
27 Fig. Reed transportation involves local tradition
28 Obligation of the leaser of the reed area of Danube Delta l The leaser will assure the security of the temporary and permanently harvested reed deposits. l The leaser has to assure the protection of the surrounding area of the deposit against the fires or the pollution, and the works to allow the recovering to the initial state after the reed delivery. l The leasers were instructed about the contractual obligation regarding the assuring of the protection against the fire, of the reed areas and the deposited reed.
34 Fig. Local tradition for reed and wood manufacturing
Prevention activities Campaign: Stop the illegal burning of the reed areas!” - emphasize the use of alternate harvesting of the reed instead of illegal burning. - Number of the reed fires were reduced by 30%.
32 Fig. Uncontrolled burnt of the surface vegetation in Danube Delta could spread all over the meadow surface area
33 Impact of the vegetation fires on the reed area of Danube Delta l In case of prescribed burning of the reed, were not recorded damages for the biodiversity protected areas, neither of the reed proposed for harvesting. Some of the reed areas have been ignited after the reed harvesting period. l The harvesting areas are isolated islands, difficult to reach, surrounding by channels, swamps and lakes, and request special tools for movement the exploited reed.
34 Fig. Danube Delta area is the only zone in Romania where is applied controlled burnt of the dry vegetation (in the photo a fireman observing the prescribed burning process using counter fire)
35 Impact of the vegetation fires on the reed area of Danube Delta l Regarding the rest of the areas, excepting the leasing zones, have been ignited just isolate, being burnt an area without economical area from the point of view of reed harvesting. The all fires were extinguished by themselves, because the Danube Delta Biosphere reserve is a humid area, located mostly on the Tulcea County, with no access road for firefighters vehicles and no other special means for intervention (boats) are available. l The only interventions were took place just on the nearby county, Constanta, were the military firefigther units of the Năvodari village intervened in the area of Grindul Lupilor from the district M. Viteazu – Histria stronghold.
36 Acknowledgements l We thank to Danube Delta Biosphere for the updated inventory of the reed fires during