The american dream
Objective Today we are going to look at the idea of the American Dream. By the time you leave today you should be able to define what the American Dream is for most people, how the dream has changed through the decades, and be able to state what happens to the American Dream in a recession. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.
quickwrite : “What is your definition of the American dream? Give examples of what this means to you.
Share- Discuss with your partner what you wrote THEN with the class Discuss Does the American Dream mean the same thing to everyone? How was your definition similar to your partner’s? To the rest of class? Was there anything that was different or unique about your definition from your partner? From class? - In your opinion – do you think that most people achieve their American Dream? Explain/Discuss
Watch the Video -Click Here As you watch the video on the American Dream complete the worksheet
“What Happens to the American Dream in a Recession?” Predict “What Happens to the American Dream in a Recession?” Before we read predict what YOU think happens –Discuss with your partner and then with class
Read the article Read “What Happens to the American Dream in a Recession?” As you read annotate using the guide on the next slide
for text that is confusing or puzzling #1 [Bracket] Green the author’s claim and/or the main ideas – You can use highlighters for color coding OR use the symbols – bracket, underline etc. USE THE MARGIN SPACE TO DO THE THINGS LISTED BELOW! In your own words, summarize the claim and/or the main ideas. #2 Underline Blue evidence or examples that support the author's claim and/or the main ideas Note how the evidence/examples support the claim or main ideas. #3 Question Mark? Pink for text that is confusing or puzzling Write specific questions to which you would like answers. AND BOX challenging words that you need to look up and define Circle any key or academic vocabulary words #4 Star ★ Yellow for other relevant information (not underlined or in brackets) Ideas for Margin Notes: Clarify with your own insight into the meaning of the text. Connect to the text with relevant examples from your life or the world. Respond with your own comments (personal and/or analytical).
Respond to the Article In a well written paragraph – Consider your quick write, the video worksheet, and your notes on the article – Use specific examples to support your ideas! Discuss the American Dream. How has it changed and/or stayed the same over time? What factors have changed or could change people’s ideas about the American Dream? Based on what you have learned today and personal experience can the American Dream be achieved? Explain Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.