How children learn the sign language? Hamda Ahmed M h
Introduction Nowadays people USE BABY SIGN LANGUAGE. Signing with your baby is a new fad. Babies who see sign language regularly beginning at 6 months.
Topic sentences 1 How do children learn sign language?
Support 1 children will learn sign language naturally. -If their parents and other people around them use the language. -The children learn sign language from other children who spoken English language. -Learning sign language being since the born till the childhood.
Support 2 where did baby sign language originate. -It is originate fro more than 200 years ago. -The baby sign language is intermixing of local sign language and French language. -The baby sign language is now modern and distinct.
Topic sentences 2 It encourages communications.
Support 1 children in this age don’t have vocab to get their point. -They become tantrum. -Having sign language to rely to communicating their feeling.
Support 2 - The kid has mastered a few words. We should remind the children how to sign the words.
conclusion Baby sign language will help children to develop their cognitive and emotional and they will learn how to communicate with others.
APA -Understanding Auslan 2. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from American Sign Language. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from -Start Signing! Why Kids Should Learn Sign Language. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from learning-sign-language /