AGENDA Do Now “Work Place & Labor Unions” Notes Collective Bargaining Activity Primary Sources Homework: – DBQ Essay due Monday – Industrialization Test Friday 12/12
DO NOW: What conditions are necessary for you to be a successful student? – Think environmental – Resources – Climate
Work Place & Labor Unions American History December 5, 2014
Changes in America Only a few entrepreneurs became rich Machines replaced skilled labor Work became monotonous Women making teddy bears
Working life Highly repetitive tasks Little pride in work Poor conditions – Unhealthy Breathed in lint, dust, and toxic fumes – Dangerous Machines lacked safety features
Time for Change Workers decided they needed to organize – Create a union Goals – Improve working conditions – Better wages
Opposition to Unions Problems in organizing: – No laws that allowed them to organize – Courts usually ruled against workers who went on strike – Might be fined or jailed
Unions had to work against perception – Capitalism vs. Marxism Immigrants were bringing in these ideas People were suspicious of Unions Eventually courts, police, and even the army were used to break up Unions Opposition to Unions
Struggle to Organize Early Unions only were made of highly skilled workers – Factory owners needed their skills, so they were able to negotiate Owners of large corporations were particularly opposed to: – Industrial Unions United all craft workers and common laborers in a particular industry
Struggle to Organize Unions were less successful as industry grew Companies used techniques to prevent Unions from forming – Required workers to sign contracts promising not to join a Union – Hired undercover detectives – Fired workers who unionized A created a list of “Trouble Makers “Black Listed” workers
If a Union did form: – Companies locked out workers – Refused to pay them – Hire replacement workers Struggle to Organize
American Federation of Labor Most early large scale industrial Unions failed Trade unions however did find some success Created the American Federation of Labor or the AFL First AFL leader, Samuel Gompers – Felt Unions should stay out of politics – Wanted to negotiate before a strike
American Federation of Labor The AFL had 3 goals: 1.Convince companies to recognize Unions and agree to collective bargaining 2.Create closed shops only hire union workers 3.Promoted an 8 hour work day
American Federation Of Labor By 1900 AFL was the largest Union – 500,000 members Only represented 15% of the workforce Only 18% of working population belonged to a Union As the 1900s began most workers were unrepresented and unions were relatively weak
Women in the Workplace Types of Jobs: – 1/3 worked as domestic servants – 1/3 worked as teachers, nurses, sales clerks, and secretaries – 1/3 worked in light industrial jobs that were deemed appropriate, mainly garment and food industries Women were paid less than men
Women in the Workplace Created the WTUL Union – 8 hour work day – Minimum wage – Abolition of Child Labor
Collective Bargaining In groups of 6 or 7 – Split group in ½ 3 people are owners, 3 are laborers Read through confidential information – Determine the demands you will make in negotiations – Make a plan and bargaining strategy Negotiations – mins Once you come to an agreement you must write out a contract, signed and agreed by both sides
Contracts Must Address… Wages Working Hours Vacations Benefits Health/Safety Conditions Anything else you deem important