Regional Haze Rule SIP Template Clean Air Corridors Section 51.309(d)(3) Brian Finneran - Oregon DEQ WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Haze Rule SIP Template Clean Air Corridors Section (d)(3) Brian Finneran - Oregon DEQ WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference

2 What’s the Clean Air Corridor? Region that contributes clean air… …to the 16 Class I Areas of the Colorado Plateau N S WE clean air 16 Class I Areas

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference States in the Clean Air Corridor OR ID NV UT

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 4 How were the CAC’s identified? 1995 Report of the GCVTC Meteorological Subcommittee identified “clean air influence areas” (eastern OR, southwest ID, most of NV, and southern UT) that supplied 20% best visibility to 16 Class I areas. Met Subcommittee studied 6 different CACs & the level of visibility protection provided by each BBC Report picked 1 “intermediate” size CAC that protected 30% best days and refined the boundary.

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 5 GCVTC Recommendations on CACs CAC emissions growth not expected to have perceptible effect on visibility in 16 Class I areas thru No regulatory programs needed for CACs - just regional emissions tracking to ensure frequency of clear days does not decline. Identify patterns of emissions growth inside & outside the CAC that could have a negative impact on visibility.

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 6 Clean Air Corridor Requirement Section 309(d)(3): “ T he plan must describe and provide for implementation of comprehensive emission tracking strategies for clean-air corridors to ensure that the visibility does not degrade on the least-impaired days at any of the 16 Class I areas.”

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 7 The 5 CAC requirements in Sec Adopt a Comprehensive Emissions Tracking program. 2. Identify the boundary of the CAC in your state. 3. Identify patterns of growth that could cause significant emissions increases resulting in visibility impairment in 16 Class I areas. 4. Identify any significant emissions growth outside the CAC that could impair the CAC and lead to visibility impairment in 16 Class I areas. 5. Determine if any other CAC’s exist.

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 8 Related CAC requirements If impairment is found (#3 and #4): – analyze effects of increased emissions; – determine need for any additional emission reduction measures; – Implement these measures if needed. If “other CAC” are found (#5), identify if measures are needed to protect them.

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 9 Issues identified in CAC Template 1) How do States identify boundaries of CAC? 2) What constitutes “significant emissions growth” inside the CAC? 3) How do States identify significant emissions increase outside the CAC & how much impairment in the CAC would trigger some action by the State? 4) What criteria does the State use for adopting additional measures if impairment is found? 5) How to determine if “other CACs” exist?

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 10 Dec 2001 IOC Work Group formed to address CAC issues for 309 SIP submittal. Preliminary recommendations are: 1) Use the CAC boundary in the BBC Report 2) Use 25% emissions increase as “significant”, based on GCVTC findings. 3) Emission projections (2018) of SO2, NOx, VOC & PM expected less than significant. 4) Track emissions every 5-yrs w/SIP updates. 5) No other CACs found. How Template Issues were resolved

WESTAR 2002 Fall Technical Conference 11 Some CAC tasks that remain… Is >25% significance level needed for CAC area closer to the Colorado Plateau? WRAP still needs to complete Comprehensive Emissions Tracking Program for CAC States. Figure out how to track “spillover” emissions from outside” the CAC. How to address emissions from Tribal lands inside and outside CACs. Still need to develop criteria for how States identify add’l measures if impairment is found.